Here we go first auto indoor grow

They look fine to me. Looks like maybe a few burn marks in leaves where maybe some water sat on them under lights, otherwise pretty normal.

Feeding nutrients in soil grow isn’t going to provide a major jump in growth. Soil grows relatively slow anyway when compared to hydroponic or even soilless. Training is going to slow down growth a little too. Usually we watch ppm levels to determine what’s going with nutrients. Without that all I can say is that they look fairly healthy.

My tds meter is on it’s way should I water fresh to run off and test run off what am I looking for?

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I think that’s what I would do at this point. Test what’s going in vs what’s coming out.

@dbrn32 will do thanks for the help I will post my results and @ you for further advice thank you so much

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@dbrn32 @imSICKkid @Jbum

So I was in my tent doing some work with my plants today. I did a nute feed today at half strength. In 2 gallons of water I mixed 5ml of micro, 5ml of gro, 2.5 bloom, 2.5 cali magic. It ph’d to 5.5 I was afraid to up it since I have been apprehensive about feeding at all. I fed all plants but only was able to get one pot to drip through I was worried I was over watering. Any how the one pot i was able to get drain water from tested 5.3 ph but the ppm was through the roof 2100 all plants seem to look fine. Picture below are of all plants the one that is all spotty and discolored I thought was from leaving water on the plant leaves and burning them from the LEDs. If anyone can give me some suggestions on what to do next. I think I may try and flush them all out.

Your ph seems way low if these are still in happy frog. That could be why ppm is kinda high still too.

@dbrn32 they are still in happy frog. Should I try to water with a higher ph water. I am using ro water at 6ppm after running through the ro. Or flush with straight ro water. I know I need to get the ph up but how high should I make my ro water what should I ph it to.

Ro water is difficult to ph properly, usually works better with a little something in it.

You could try flushing with slightly higher than normal ph’d water, or top dress a dolomite lime. The dolomite lime will get hard when used that way though.

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@dbrn32 @PurpNGold74
Hey guys looking for a recommendation on a charcoal filter for odor control. I have the infinity 6" inline fan it is 351cfm what size filter should I be looking at obviously 6" filter but there are a bunch of different lengths any help greatly appreciated. The girls are starting to smell a bit need to stay incognito venting outside.


Im waiting for DB myself. Buying my first fan/filter combo soon. Gon be that fan more then likely. 8 if i can splurge

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What’s your budget? 6" filters are available in all shapes and sizes, the 6" represents flange size. I have been buying 6x24" phresh, it’s a monster filter but does a really good job and doesn’t seem to drag fan down anymore than neccessary.

I’m sure there are others that will do fine. Just pay attention to cfm, a small 6" filter may be low cfm.


That was my concern since the fan only moves 351cfm should I purchase a filter for less than 351 or does it matter to much was looking to stay under 150

I would go with a filter equal to or greater cfm than the fan you have.

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@AAA @imSICKkid @PurpNGold74 @dbrn32. Are these preflowers I believe they are. Just want to check to see what my next step will be need to read over grow bible again. Should I be removing fan leaves or anything have some dead leaves here and there ones that got burnt from water sitting on them.

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Yessir. Those are definitely signs that flower is upon u. Do u have full body pics? I pull a few big fans here and there. Anything blocking out light to the interior. And i also begin clearing a bit down low stuff that wont add up to much.

Wait… ahh crap. Maybe just new leaves. Take a pic of the ‘crotch’ area at the top

Edit: i just came out of the clos… (wait…) ermm grow area and took pics. I have preflowers!

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I don’t see a single pistil. I see the ends of fan leaves coming out the top but no pistils.

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Yeah, I’m with the sickkid, no pistils yet.


New growth in pic one looks deceiving. At first glance I thought pistils, but after zooming it appears just new growth.

I run the 6" A/C infinity and have learned that you need alot more cfm in your filter. I tried to match the cfm’s of my fan and filter, but the filter drug the fan down tremendously. I ended up stepping up to an 8" filter and just buying a 6 to 8 inch converter. Since then…no worries

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@PurpNGold74 @dbrn32 @AAA @imSICKkid. I have some other pics that are clearer but still not sure. As of now I am taking your word on this one here are some other pics more.
