Hello all, new to this growing thing. Any and all advice is welcome. Afghan and GDP autos. I have a 4x2 tent, 100w LED vivosun. 3 gallon bags. dehumidifer bc RH is high.(currently 64%, temp is 73-76 degrees. using jacks 321 or will use it. Jungle growth soil. using RO water will calmag PH 6.4
@OGIncognito @Not2SureYet @Cap_Ron @Audiofreak @410ismyfriend @FUKAZ28 @PhatPat @DEEPDIVERDAVE @AL_GREEN @TCBart
This is my bro, fellas.
I finally got him off my journal.
I’ve been bragging you jokers up to him BIG TIME, so take care of the poor seedling plz
Welcome aboard and to your new great hobby @Djmj
There a re a lot of folks that can help here with all the measurements and stuff. I am a little more lax with my numbers and digits
I do know that the light might be a little small for two plants, usually wanna see around 200W per plant. Will be using the same light throughout?
Welcome, @Djmj
@Djmj welcome along, first indoor myself.
How ya doing up there, gromie???
I saw a temp map of the US the other day. When they start using purple/pink/white, it’s getting HELLA COLD.
They didn’t have a color to represent how cold it is there, so they left it normal color!!!
Welcome aboard growmie. You at the best place you could possibly be.
@420386 Thanks for bring another growmie over.
Thanks man. Excited to start this journey on growing awesome buds.
Welcome to the community Grow Bro
Thanks for asking @420386 …
I’m kinda feelin’ sorry for all y’all who been discovering what a cold snap feels like.
Here in MN, when the temperature here hits -10F, it’s an ordinary day. Sometimes schools close to keep kids safe, but work will expect you to arrive on time same as always.
Keep warm, you hear?!
@OUTinMN we’re crying here in the south with 20/30’s at night. I was seeing -50’s(windchill)and worse up your way
Welcome aboard!
Only issue I see is the 100w light.
They say 150w per plant or 40w per sq ft.
Think they will need more light for flower.
Welcome to the forum. And @TransplantedFarmgirl is right. That light is great for starting plants. But will soon be under powered for even one plant. I use a pair of their 600w = 90w really for my 2x4 veg tent. Some thing similar to HLGs 260 light would be perfect for that tent and give you great yields.
New hobby indeed. I was hoping to use the 1 light throughout. But I’m thinking now that it might not work. I’m looking into getting a Mars hydro fc4000. Pricey, but was told it will work well with the 4x2 grow tent.
Thanks I appreciate the advice growmie! I am looking at the lighting scenario right now. I’m looking into getting a Mars hydro fc400 and maybe 3 plants max all in a row. I think my next question is what fan ducts to get and what size 4" or 6" in the 4x2?
For sure, we are at -3 already and it is just sundown going to be a cold one glad the wind is not howling. Stay warm eh!
Yeah seems to be the lighting. I will get on that ASAP. again I am thinking Mars hydro fc4000 for the 4x2 tent. then i need to figure out fan ducts 4" or 6" on the vivosun 4x2x5’ tent
I have a 4" fan in a 3x3 tent. It does ok. I wish I would’ve ordered the 6".
I will upgrade when mines quits. It runs 24/7 for 10 months now. Not sure how long they last.
okay so got some numbers man on the afghan auto @OGIncognito ph is 5.6 and ppm is 117 i know terrible numbers. Any ideas on how I can fix this or what to do. I sent 6.8 PH water through and measured the run off.