Help with photos

Yes; I would spray one product, wait 24 hours then spray the other. Repeat every five days so any eggs when hatched will be dealt with.

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@T-ray can you post a pic of the dry plant? I’m pretty sure I see spider mite bites on your leaves. You’ll need to deal with them asap or they will infest your whole grow! You will only see them with magnification, 15x minimum, 30 x better! Take a leaf that has those specks on it, snip one finger off that is affected, turn it upside down and inspect with scope, if spider mites, they will be next to the central vein where they are good at hiding. 2 spotted mites will have two red or black dots near their head, red spider mites are solid colored. The eggs will be round and likely there will be some webbing on the leaf. They are horrible little bastards but if you have them, tag me and I’ll help you get rid of them . You’ll have to clean your room/tent area with bleach or at least 6% hydrogen peroxide. Then regular inspection to make sure they don’t come back. If you don’t do several treatments to kill any that hatched after you sprayed, they will return with a vengeance! As @Myfriendis410 said, deadbug is a good start, stay away from need, especially in flower! Good luck, hit me up if I can help.


And I thought for the longest time the reason for indoor grows was to be secret. Lol.

These are in a greenhouse and only my second and third try. The last plant had a lot of webbing at the end of flowering. I thought it was natural to the plant. I just said one day I was gonna try a grow and bought some seeds. Bought soil and nutrients and a greenhouse. I’m in a hot climate - south east UsA.

Thanks for the help! Pics below


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@T-ray I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have spider mites, I’d bet two spotted ones. Since you are in flower, I don’t recommend the deadbug spinosad spray, but if you can seal them up in your grow area, you can hang a Hot Shot no pest strip in there and it will kill the mites but not the eggs. You can hang it in there at lights out and turn off the air circulation, leave it overnight, the vapors kill mites, then, do this every three nights to kill the ones that hatch before they mature enough to lay eggs. You will have to sanitize your grow area too, if not, they will just return stronger! Spray everything down with a bleach solution or hydrogen peroxide, I sometimes use 91% alcohol to spray my room down, then follow up with bleach and water. I sanitize between every grow .Then do daily inspections to make sure the bastards stay gone. There are a few things out there that claim you can spray buds and it doesn’t affect taste but I don’t trust spraying anything on my nuggets!

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Oh fudge. There is much work involved.

Appreciate the diagnosis. That makes sense given my first plant’s appearance. That said, it’s not too bad given my greenhouse is only 6x8’. I have several tomato plants in there too.

Leave the tomatoes in there with the strip, mites will attack them too…… little bastards.

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Also, depending on the size of your greenhouse, you may have to use more than one no pest strip. They are good up to 4 months I think, so you can store them in a ziploc bag and they will last a long time using them a few nights here and there. Make sure to get them out before you spend much time in there, 4 hours exposure is the max recommended for humans at one time. The vapor affects their nervous system and they DIE! Lil bastards…….

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