I know there is lots of info online about people reveging plants after they went to flower but how much of that is true?
I ask this because I had a photoperiod plant that started flowering while getting 16 hours of light per day (8 hours of darkness). I tried to reveg it and it didn’t do anything. It looked the same for several months and then died. The plant had flowers for less than 1 week before I increased the light.
To get it to reveg I increased light to 24 hours a day for a week then brought it back down by an hour every couple of weeks until it was at 18 hours of light per day.
I know the internet is full of bs with people exaggerating and click baiting and whatever else they do to become big interwebby stars. So I am trying to find out if anyone has actually managed to reveg a plant after it started to flower. I don’t want to hear rumors of your mate had a plant that did weird stuff when it was revegged. I only want to know if people here have actually had a plant that they managed to reveg. If you have, let me know what you did to get it to grow again.
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Totally possible and folks here do it regularly. Let me tag at least one person I know of @Bunger64. @DEEPDIVERDAVE may be another revegger
Bunger, you have done this correct?
I have done it once due to cloning a mother in flower. I left the 2 clones in the tent with the mother on flower lightng and realized I needed to get them back on a 24 hour light cycle. After a few weeks they were back in veg.
Photoperiod plants can be revegged. Autos cannot. The process takes a couple of weeks and generally isn’t worth the time investment. We’ve seen only a few growers attempt to reveg plants. Planting new seed make a whole lot more sense.
Some growers might do it trying to preserve a phenotype they like, but cloning is a better option.
Yes this is true.
I can grow an Auto faster than the 1-3 months needed for re-veging.
Lots of failures and I presume they were Autos (bag seed origins).
Failures can be smoked, sometimes.
I use re-veging and cloning as a grow tool to keep production continuous.
999 ways it did not work., still trying, just needs one to win.
I reveg every spring. I pollinate all my keeper clones and seedlings that flower on 12/12. Then I reveg them with the seeds developing. Harvest the seeds, and plant them out into the raised beds.
I have some clones I am reveging right now with seeds in them. I will add a pic in a moment.
I’ve grown out cuttings from flowering plants and revegged them from 1 finger fan leaved’monster crops’ to vegging plants that I ultimately reflowered later when they were a suitable size. It can be done. @Sydious hooked me up with some clones cut from flowering ILGM Cali Dream so he may also have some input
I monster cropped, taken a flowering branch and clone it, quite a few planties because I didn’t want to lose the genetics. 
Here are some cutting I was given back that were starting to flower (Sept 5, 2022). You can see they just started flowering.
Two months later, they have rooted and revegged. They all looked funky as hell, used to call this one Basil. If you look at the bottom-most leaves, you can still see the serrated edges on the original cutting.
A month of vegging and look at her now! (I mean, THEN! This was 2 years ago!)
And 3 months later it was harvest time.
So yeah, you can reveg them. You can reveg them while rooting too! Like folks say, just takes FOREVER! But well worth it if you really like that strain. I lost this one, sent some cuttings to someone in Toronto who had be searching for years for Death Bubba with the idea that he would sent me some cuttings back when I came back from holidays. He got them, grew them, never heard from him since. I have his address still, guess I could always mail him a fish head or something!
So theoretically it can be done. Any ideas why my plant didn’t do anything and then died 3 months later?
How long did you lot have the light on for to reveg it?
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I have my light at 16 on/ 8 off when I monstercrop… 
Maybe it was too cold?
There’s probably a few different possibilities but it’s hard to guess without knowing the in and outs of your day to day grow behavior but a photo flowering at 16 is in itself odd and that the increase to 24 seemed to worsen her overall condition to the point of death.
Most likely an isolated incident centered on this one plant. Typically I would ask if you were trying to reveg a flowered plant after a harvest how much did you leave on her for her to work with? Better luck next time!!
I will usually do the first 2 weeks at 24 on and then ween it down to 16 on over a couple weeks. The more budlets and lower larf you leave the better chance of a smooth reveg.
Root binding (Bansai clones) will frequently cause curios auto flowering in otherwise solid photos. If it was in a smallish size pot that could have been the trigger. I am a big fan of root pruning too. Bansai clones only work if you root prune them 2-3 times a year.
If you were in a grow bag I would throw the root ball onto another fresh grow bag rather than cut the roots. They grow thru the bottoms w ease. Like a grow bag wedding cake.
It started flowering in spring and the temp was in the low 80s F (28C). It died in summer a couple of weeks after a heat wave when it hit 115F (46C). Definitely too hot in summer but there was 3 months between it starting to flower and dying and it did nothing during that time.
Plant was in a 30cm diameter pot (30cm high too) with coconut coir and perlite (70/30 mix). Plants under LED lights that were on a timer. Plant got watered and fertilized twice a week.
It went into flower by itself when it wasn’t meant to so maybe it was just a weird plant. I didn’t trim anything off it when it flowered. I just left the tiny flowers and let it be.
Odd behavior for sure. Were you letting the coco dry out? Was it hydrophobic by the time you watered it? 2x’s a week seems low from what I believe most coco growers use.
This plant will probably always remain a mystery and the next plants you reveg will likely have zero issues and you’ll be good to go. Sometimes shit dies right?
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