Grove Bags w/Terp Lock

I’ve been looking around for some jars for curing and supplies are low around my area…

I stumbled onto the Grove bag site and they sound pretty noice. Anyone have experience with these?

I’ve never heard of them. I just use ball jars. You can use Boveda packs to maintain humidity, but I refuse to use them during the cure. I do use them for longer term storage. Many others do the same.

If you get them you might put the experience in your journal so others can see how they perform. :slight_smile:

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I went ahead and order 25 their oz bags. Think I’ll test a couple side by side with jars this harvest. I’ll be sure to update with my findings.

Happy growing!


Hi, Any update on the Grove Bags? Thanks

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I’ve got close to 3lbs in groves and not one complaint or worry from me. Some have been sealed for 5-6 months and look great.

Curing is fantastic with these bags, no looking back here.


I will say I do use a hybrid model. I use jars until rh is stable about 60-65%. Once rh holds with little Flux, I transfer to groves, I don’t deal for a day or two. Then seal those mofos.

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Thanks for getting back to me. I really appreciate it and ordered some bags of my own. Happy Growing.