I just trimmed a QP and stuck it inside the grove bag. I slipped a small sensor in there to see what the humidity is and it’s showing 41%. What should I do, if anything at all, to increase the humidity? I dried them to 12% and then did the paper bag “sweat” before trimming and bagging. This is my first time doing any of this so any help with this is appreciated. Thanks.
I exhale into the bag or jar and repeat it a couple times a day until I get to where I want it.
Its surprising how well it actually works. It will shoot up high like 65 or 70% then slowly come down as the weed absorbs it.
Wow. That sounds amazingly too easy! Thanks! Going to blow a bag right now.
@HeyJB. That just sounds wrong! My wife always makes fun of me, and with smart ass commits when I blow in my Grove Bags tying to open up the bottom pleats in order to completely empty it.
I have actually done that.
I more often will add a plant leaf or lettuce leaf to the bag or jar.
I let the mini hygrometers sit in there a couple of hours or more. It seems to take a bit for the humidity to settle.
sounds wrong and feels so right.
Those Grove Bags are amazing, (l know that has been stated here often).
Last year I put some Black Widow in one that was dry and crumbly. A month later it’s moisture level was perfect and it’s smell and taste was great.
Our local grow shop, (it’s actually a chain store), has started carrying them. I know they charge $.99 for the one ounce bags. So no more shipping fees to get them.
Agreed, I’ve only had one harvest so far but I’m using Grove bags. I filled a mason jar up as well to compare and the Grove bags smell is so much better. It is turning more berry and sweet flavor where as the mason jar is still the burn your nose gas smell ( not bad in its own right lol) and the RH has been between 58-61 in all 4 bags I have so it’s doing it’s job. I’ll always use them for every grow.