I know I saw a post on here about grove bags not maintaining the proper rh, but I can’t find it. Just want to share my experience. I live in the snowy Northeast so when my furnace is running is dehumidifies the house. My house doesn’t go about 45%. I checked on my bags today and they were all ~42%. I sanitized some jars I had and transferred the bud to the jars with the hydrometer and they’re already climbing. I emailed grove bags with the experience to see if it’s an issue they’re aware of. Just a heads up for my frozen tundra neighbors, check your bags.
I read that post yesterday as well. I think this is the post. Buds in Grove bags drying out, when external humidity is low
Littering and…Littering and…Littering and…
You are freaking out man…
somebody got the profile pic reference
There he is…
Candy bars!
These schnozberries taste like schnozberries
The Snozberries taste like Snozberries!!!
Duuuuue @Truetopath
No idea how to spell snoz/schnoz berries lol
Do we have liter of cola?
Just order a large farva…I don’t want a large farva I want a …liter of cola!!
Does that look like spit to you?
Spread it oooon!!!
So I heard back from Grove bags real quick, which is awesome! Kudos to their customer service. Explained what was happening and they had a couple pointers (i.e. add more bud to the bags, try for 60/60 conditions). They did say unless the room is too hot/moist it shouldn’t affect the cure. I did rehydrate my buds and moved them to mason jars to be safe and they’re rocking between 58-62%.
I’m the one who posted: Buds in Grove bags drying out, when external humidity is low
As I mentioned later in that post, after playing around with several of my Grove bags, I figured out that the ones that had dried out (after being stored in low RH conditions, like 30-40%) were the bags that had NOT been heat sealed, just zipped closed. But the bags that I had heat-sealed, before the room RH dropped, remained in the desired 58-62% RH range.
Thanks for the response! I’m weary to jump back into the bags and heat sealing them right now with the house being so dry, but I still have a bunch that I’ll probably play around with with another grow. Don’t want to risk ruining these buds, they’re
Large grove bag has this label.
I like to cure with hang, paper bag, grove and finally jar.
lots of meters
Half gallon glass jars work well.
I’ll have to check my ounce ones to see if they have it on there. If so I totally missed it.