Germinating lsd

getting my auto lsd any day now i will be growing in coco perlite with jacks 123 indoors. when i get a tail on my seed do i want to start in in a solo cup with good potting soil with no nuts just water for so long or solo with coco and add jacks from the start and how big or tall should i let them get before i transplant to 5 gal coco want to start out right my zittles auto i got for 1st grow i got in pete pod about 2 in tall and put in coco at about 4 ins tall but started it outside for a few weeks till i got my tent set up and shes looking real good inside will harvest in about a week or 2 thanks for aany help

Being an auto, you can just go right into your medium. She’ll only need like 3ml’s of water the first few days.


Some people do transplants with autos, some don’t. It’s not exactly recommended because anything that can shock them puts them behind on their biological clock. If you sprout her in your medium, do it in a clear cup and put that in a red solo cup. That way, you can take the clear cup out and check the roots.

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how tall or how long in solo before transplant will put in window seal till i harvest my zittles in a couple weeks and wheni do put in tent howclose to light i got hgl i35 light and do i want to turn the lite down to 80% or so till i flower thanks

@AfgVet grows in Coco and with Jack’s. I know she soaks her Coco in water with full strength Jack’s. Then puts seeds with tap roots directly into Coco. If I got that wrong she will correct me :slightly_smiling_face::grin::+1:

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how can i contact if shes a coco grower i would love her input thanks

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I tagged her, I know recently shes been busy so it may be a little while before she can respond. Give me a minute, I’ll find her journals and tag you to them. :+1:

Here’s her first journal using Coco and Jack’s

Here’s her most recent journal, she’s a moderator here and is more than happy to help :blush:

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Really the best starting medium in a Solo cup is straight buffered coco. I would not use soil to start then transplant into coco, just stay with your medium. Seedling will be fine in that until transplant.


Full Jack’s feed from the start.


You would be correct Mr Nuts!

ok i will start in solo with coco and full jacks from the start,but how wet should i keep them i dont want to drown her, again how tall or how long should i wait to transplant, i appreicate all post in relations to coco i think i like it as my medium i mean coco and jacks couldnt be easeir thanks to all

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When they first pop up I give them about an ounce of water/nutes around the edge of the cup daily