Foxfarm Dirt sale

So htg has 4 bags of fox farm soil on sale for $50.00. So what is the best fox farm for cannabis . And what is the shelf life. Thanks in advance :sunglasses:

Happy frog
Ocean forest

Is what most use on here


I use the Happy frog and the ocen forest and I typically run a 50/50 mix of both for all my plants I’ve never dealt with there soil being to hot for plants as so many people claim it to be


I use Ocean Forest plus perlite and worm castings. Like @LiesGrows I have not had any issues with it being too hot. I start them in starter soil.

Thanks for the replys

Is that the 1.5 cu ft bags?

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I think 1 is 1.5 and the other is 2.0 bags

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Okay… I know this is an old thread but didn’t want to start a new one on the subject…and I really didn’t get any clear answers from reading on the subject in the Forums…
I over bought soil this season FFHF & FFO I have a couple of bags I didn’t open yet and was wondering if anyone of the members have any experience with keeping them until next season If I leave them in a cool dry out of the sun place …Do you guys think they’ll be okay? as you know they are not not cheap ( I could return them but I think the store may charge a 15% re-stocking fee :roll_eyes:) and I don’t wanna waste them but am wondering if there’s any problem keeping them until next season? I dont want them to get all moldy or anything?