Flight 4-101-420 ExquisiteTouch Gardens ( 4th indoor )

Yeah weird is how we roll brothaman lol. Hopefully in a day or two those 2 plants will fully recover and stand right back up for ya!!! Kaps still laying spread eagle hoping for that elbow deep full body cavity search……


Common my little kebab… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:rofl: well i hope @kaptain3d has enough. Energy and entertainmeht to keep over there but unfortunate i dont think he is of the right type . He looks quite a bit older than … uhhhhhh cough cough sneeTeenagereeeze cough cough :rofl:


Unfortunately i slacked off and didnt post my topping event :frowning: . Was about 4 or so days ago . Took em off as close as i could to i believe the 7th nose leaving a little stem as much as i could to help agaisnt splitting my plants with later training . Also cleaned up the bottom leaves a little bit and clipped the smaller weaker bottom branches where applicable. I always end up clipping a bunch of lower weaker ones that dont reach the top anyway .

Went a little heavy with the feed. 10 gallon of water , 3 tbsp power si , 3x tbsp of the rest ive already been feeding but added 1 tbsp grest white mycorrhizae cause why not ? Used about 7.5 gallons and threw left over solition on my outdoor soil pile . Id imagine is a good 400-500 gallons of soil by now . Going to throw in some diatomaceous earth to keep unwanted lil butthole pest out and of course the natural silica . Ive been rinsing and grindjng all my cage free egg shells up ill be tossing in there for natural calcuim and magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and whatever else . Will also by a box of the micro mix of down to earth and let that cook and settle ready for outdoor seaaon . :+1:


So anyway we are reaching the time that i gotta start watering more often . I let my plants get a little wilted again though i also think i been over watering them a bit by trying to cut corners and dunking rather than top watering . The plants arnt preying as much as i thjnk to remember them . So this time im making a lighter feed . 7 gallons water , 1 and a half tbsp of power si and only 1 tablespoon of natures brix and green amino. Hopefully that wont be to thick so i can give it a nice amd long fine mist from above using my little gallon sprayer .

Then ill probably come back and throw a cup or 2 top watering . .

Do believe the 2 plants should be looking normal . But im about to water them now . Ill post a pick of them after a coupls hours of next light on cycle for update .


Other than that i do have 1 more set of news with yall before i spread the love of the news everyone already knows and that is that i got my main other package today . Was supposed to be here Thursday but santa said f$$k that mess youve been a good boy the last several years and your getting your order right mofo-ing today !!! So im going to have to get my seed vault its own little fridge . Anyway here is what i got today

Heres a coupld other packages i got from bf/cm

Heres everything combined .

Though i still hsve a very sought after and nearly impossible to find box of lazer fuel on order , a newly not to be restocked black potronis should be here monday . Then im going to make another 2 small orders to take advantage of the Christmas freebie pack then my seed addict jukie arse is going to attend some 12 step meeetings of seed collector junkie anonymous for awhile :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: . Im like a pokemon/football card kid with a problem . :rofl: . But i am happy though , i got quite allot of strains that are straight napalm :fire: and only going to be more valuable Some i alreasdy see people jumping on for well over the typical price it used to go for .


Anyway with all the update and news out of the way … its that time … yep its that time of the year to wish everyone A VERY MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! Yessirree !! I hope everyone wakes up today with smiles and if you dont smoke some of the most :fire: stuff you have to make yourself smile !! :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::cowboy_hat_face::sunglasses:. I hope everyone , their families , friends , pets , and plants enjoys a safe and pleasant holi-DAZE and new year !!! :smiley::smiley::v::v::v::v::v::v::v:


Back at cha @Took1-4theteam , Merry Christmas, and damn you have the beans!



You’re about to have zero space available in your forest. Gonna be a packed house.


Is there any space for you to move around them girls!? if so, not for long :joy:


Doing that right as we speak .


Yep , doing it now


Well i got bad news and good news . Im embarrassed to say i havnt been feeling well and to be honest have been a terribly lazy arse plant tender . Is by a long shot the worst i ever let my plajts get . Ever ! This is what i get for having my head up my arse .

But good news is 1) i caught it in time before anything other than minor leaf damage happened . As you all know i use power si silica which not only builds cell walls for stronger thicker branching but also makes plants more resistant to heat and drought stresses. So i mixed them up a quickie batch of power si , nature brix , green amino tea and they was alreasy looking better as i put them back in their nursery . And then 2) im vegging these gals till the 3rd of 4th week of February anyway so we are good to go . Its a couple days later and they are fine other than need a little haircut and some color .

So now is the time im officially pulling my head out my arse and getting back on track. I just placed order for the uv sets for the mammoths . They ship in march so will be here on time . :call_me_hand:

I also picked up another ac infinity t-7humidifier for my roi-720s room . So just lacking a new dehumidifier that i wont need till flower so have some time to get . So it will be a finished room this grow . Still contemplating if i want to also snag a regulator and co2 controller for this room as well . But last year this room wasnt even on point with vpd or co2 and did very well so may just stop with the dehumidifier.

But anyway i upgraded to a bigger brute garbage can and have been brewing a kinda strong batch of tea for last 20+ hours . 30 gallons filtered water , 10 tbsp of power si silica , 8 tbsp of natures brix , 8 tbsp of green amino , and approx 14 tbsp of veg/grow ( greengro biologicals) , 10 tbsp of microbe charge , and approx 14 tbsp of veg/ grow ( roots organics terp teas ) . Picked up another 8oz of great white mycorrhizae and 500ml power si getting ready to premix approx 200 gallons of soil and transplant all my gals into final 7 gallon containers and in their new rooms . :blush:. So they have plenty of room and light to let them little legs strecth on out , settle in , and start taking flight . :cowboy_hat_face::sunglasses:


Glad you saved them. They were so sad :cry:


Thanks and so was i ! Still kinda upset even though its going be fine . I have never not been on top of my grow. Ive made more neglectful mistakes this time than ever . Threw away 500 worth of seeds from the very beginning.
But every grower will experience some type of loss from personal error at some point . Im just grateful its all been this minimal . I hope it stays like that cause otherwise ive been straight up killing it ! :cowboy_hat_face::v:


Nice save! hope you are feeling better soon!


Thank you


Hells bells, burning balls , and turksy sh$t :turkey::poop:! That was allot more than i remembered it to be . Hand mixing 1.3 cubic yards with almost 60 gallons of tea on your knees isnt the nost ideal thing ive done . My arms , back , and cut up hands arnt very happy with me right about now . But operation " transplant hell " has been successfully completed as of about 3am . Only 28 hours of work . Lol

So i did things different this time . Still premix and make my holes . But instsad of dunking in my solution like i would my little 4 inch transplants this time i only dusted some mycorrhizae on root ball and in hole before planting . Then when top watering i focused more on outside around the root ball to get them roots spread out searching a little faster . :+1: is the theory anyway . Gals got a haircut prior to so they look so nuch better now .

I did have a little bit of struggles getting things set up . First my brand new humidifier has a problem and i gotta return it . Then i couldnt figure out why my growcast controller wasnt loading to turn my lights on then i remembered " oh new phone duhhh lol " , so i had to refigure out programing it . So we had to squeeze all 31 in my 6x11 . Which obviously 250ish gallons of wet soil is allor of humidity so had to set up dehumidifier early . But other than that now that i think about it is better thiz way anyway . I want to wait till roots take before training anyway . 1 mammoth alone can veg 3/4th of that room , and its not like i have to fed often for awhile . Room is set and dialed into an acceptable vpd range and consistency. So all is good , let these lil mommas grow to their hearts content as they have everything they could want . :sunglasses:


Hi @Took1-4theteam
When you say dunk in your liquid compost
Are you meaning you literally turn your plant upside down and dunk them in it ?
Cheers :beers:
Lucky on the save from your plant dehydration