Hello. I just chopped and wet trimmed my WW auto at a little over 12 weeks old. All seemed to be going well until I decided to chop my main cola in half to match the size of smaller buds for drying purposes, and I found that the center of the dissected cola was unusually whitish. I can’t tell if this a mold issue or just the way a moist dissected bud looks. It seems to be a solid white similar to a Brussels sprout and not the appearance the cob web like or fuzzy mold I am familiar with.
Can someone please help me find clarity on this issue? For the time being I went along with drying but I’m getting the feeling my first harvest might be toast.
I agree. It’s the center of the bud so it just didn’t get light so it’s not green, I believe.
You know rot when you see it. It’s generally dried up if late or slimy and nasty when it’s fresh!
That just looks like tiny, young undeveloped flowers.
I am seeing the spots you are talking about. I had a GSCE that every calyx on the main stems turned brown, but the buds were fine. I don’t think it’s mold, you’d see some cottony little threads. If it’s really concerning, trust your gut. Check some more buds.
Thank you, I apologize for not clarifying. Is your concern that of mold or bud rot? I put my buds into dry thinking everything would hopefully be alright for 24 hours now. I’m going to dissect them in the opposite direction first thing tomorrow morning.
I know the consensus seems to be bud rot, but any further thoughts?
Can I just continue the dry and cut away any suspected rot after? What’s the best protocol right now?