First grow - Question on readiness and harvesing when buds don't ripen at same time

I’ve been using the WeDryer since 2019. Have both sizes. Big one wasn’t available when they first came out. I’ve dried many many many plants using it. The dry time is going to be relative to several factors. What the temp and humidity is where you have it hanging. The girth of you buds.
I’ve also dried plants hung upside down etc when I had an overflow but will use the WeDryer when there is room in it.
Couple things I do is sorting the stems with buds on them by size and putting the biggest thickets on the lower levels and the thinner smaller ones up top. With the airflow it helps slow the dry of the smaller ones so they are closer to being dry with the rest.
They hang in my bedroom closet and there was no smell when the carbon filters are newer and those will need to be replaced every so often so I suggest getting an extra one.
My drying time has ranged from 5-7 days up to 10 days depending on the environment as well as the thickness of the buds at chop.
Nice thing is you can continuously remove ones that are ready for jarring and put fresh cuts into the cleared out chamber/s

If you’re wanting to harvest individual plants as they mature and not all at once and you have to control the smell this is a great option.
It’s an added expense but would do the trick due to your circumstances.

I did a write up about 5 years back on them here…

This write up above was using the smaller one.
The larger one holds almost triple of the smaller one and works the same.

Hope this helps with your situation

Enjoy the day