Okay here I go again to start my newest grow, doing two plants in my 2x4 space. A gorilla glue auto by fast buds, and a photo called Eleven roses by Delicious seeds, it claims 45 day flower. So maybe auto and photo finish somewhere the same, will have to see lol… But as always I will be using Miracle grow potting mix, as a soil less grow media I like it as you can water every other day like other media like coco. Of course there are problems but there work arounds, time released fertilizers, nitrogen, phosphate P, and potash K, so you have to be aware when feeding. Too much nutes for weed I don’t think so if you only water the area roots are occupied. I water to the size of the plant making sure is it is wet where roots are searching for moisture, I water to run off when plant is as tall and wide as the pot it’s in. By then they can deal with the nute load. I use organic nutes and start introducing around week 4 in small doses to see how each girl reacts. Yesterday I put seeds 1/2 inch down and lightly cover, then I use 16 ounces of well water and moisten the dirt around the seed, pre dampen the soil down a several inches, now I just have to keep top layer damp, not soaking till they pop above soil. I have never burned a single seedling because of the miracle grow!!! Hell I never knew miracle grow was bad till I read it here ha ha. Was using it for years before I found this forum. Also starting this grow with my new hlg 100s in 4000k and finish with 3000k in flower. Using one light for now @about 15 inches above, will add second light about week 3 or 4. Well wish me luck and off we go.
Good luck @Dennis62 !! I really like following people who just love weed and love growing it and I can tell that you put your heart into it, best to you
Good Luck! But I don’t think you are going to need it. I think your grow is going to be awesome! Thanks for the tag and the opportunity to watch this awesome grow.
Good luck @Dennis62 !!I’ll be following along,also can you or anyone for that matter tell me what caused this,I’m thinking nuit burn of potash as it happened the day after a dose of Super Bloom
Yeah leaf tacoing can be caused by heat stress but I could see a super PK booster like superbloom causing it as well, have to be careful with something with NPK values of 12-55-6, that’s a whole lot of phosphorus.
Day 4 and got signs of life, gorilla glue auto is almost above ground, 11 roses is a white elbow just below ground level, but should break soon. Both are good woooo hoooo.
Okay with a little work we are at day 1 above ground, gorilla glue auto popped fine, 11 roses was born with helmet head lol… Seed shell was clamped on tight but I pryed it off okay, well shit now the skin was keeping leafs together, I used a toothpick and with the point poked between the leafs and the skin split and her leafs spread and sack came off, I hate doing surgery so stressful. But here they are, 11 roses then gorilla
I always stress the transition from seed to plant, but once they make it to seedling I don’t worry. I use one hlg 100 k4 boards at 20 inches, I don’t want much streach as pots are full and no ability to bury further. So will see how these 4k boards build plants, it’s a learning experience. I’m use to my old burples lol… I gave those away HLG all the way from here on out… In my water pH 6.8 from well ppm 278, today I add a product called Speedy veg, no npk but a lot of macro and micro nutrients my soil less miracle grow potting mix doesn’t have. The npk miracle grow supplies, I will be adding other nutes in a in a couple weeks. But speedy veg for the next 4 weeks or so.
This year was the first time I’ve read what is in miracle grow potting mix, #1 forest products (wood chips) 2 peat, 3 coir/ or compost) 4 sphagnum peat moss 5 perlite 6 fertilizers… So there in not much to feed the plant other than the time released fertilizers. Everything but peats allows air to infiltrate roots, peats hold moisture but if you don’t set in water will allow air in. Like coco you never let it dry completely. I teach my plants to drink every other day, Today i flooded the root zone of each plant with about 8 oz water with ten grams of speedy veg, this seems like a lot but soil is dry around and under so nothing gets soaking wet. Their newly forming roots are moist and happy. The bigger the plant the more root zone need to be wet, till plant is tall and wide as the pots then water to run off. It’s a process, but it works well for me. Also by not wetting the whole pot I’m also not releasing loads of hot nutes the tiny plants can’t handle. I should note the speedy veg doesn’t have nitrogen so there is nothing to burn a baby plant, it’s kinda like adding volcanic ash to root zone with all its minerals. But for 2 days old girls are off to a good start. Both an inch tall and no bad streaching so light at 20 inches seems great, keepin a eye on them. I know they will not do much for the next week or so while they are building roots so it’s time to sit back and watch water watch etc. Oh also I got and activated my co2 bag today, mostly because I do not ventilate, I know they don’t provide tons but I’m sure it helps when my girls are busy and making lots of oxygen, giving them some co2. After releasing the fungus in the bag it takes about 60 days before the bag starts putting out good co2, so by the time girls need it thru flower. So I know the monster that miracle grow potting mix is, and in my own way I have been treating the problems with things it’s missing and the things has. As far as pH my well water at 6.8 is not a problem till later in the grow and the peat starts breaking down, causing pH to get more acidic during flower. Sorry I am rambling lol… So I guess my simple grow may not be all that simple lol. That’s where we are today!!! Gorilla auto is in the red pot, 11 roses photo in gray pot 2 days old woooo hoooo.
@Work4iT Thanks for the interest man, I don’t boast about my success, but I’ve completed 9 little grows with 100% germination rate and all my plants finished with 2+ to 5 ounces of bud off my autos and 3 to 5 on photos, 2 plants had loose buds, all others beautiful. I only use lights and a fan in my closet, but pretty much luck. I do have problems don’t get me wrong, miracle grow potting mix is not a good media for weed, but I have to use it so I found work arounds. Look forward to seeing you here, like I said scroll down to bottom click watching. Holler at me anytime