How often shpuld i burp my jars and for how long?
The usual recommendation is:
First week; twice a day for fifteen minutes
Second week; once a day blah blah blah
Third week; once every three or four days
A lot of growers use Boveda Packs (62%) but some have reported loss of terpenes. I haven’t noticed myself.
I’m currently using Grove Bags to cure in, then they go into jars. You don’t need to do anything as Grove Bags are designed to store/cure flower. I have a few “1 pound” bags that I dump my dried harvest into. It’s certainly easier.
I hate to drop in on someone’s topic but, I was about to ask since I just harvested as well. I was about to buy the 62% Bovida packets until you mentioned your method.
Thank god you didnt boveda can slightly alter the terps, if you have to rehydrate its better to do it with fresh leaves or lemon rind. Grove bags are the bomb , just bag em , adjust humidity, then forget about them for 3+ months.
Drop in all you want brother
When you say adjust the humidity, what do you mean? I thought you set it to a desired level with a packet. I’m even buying these mini digital humidity readers for each bag.
Well aint that a nice place to be. Nice nice nice!
You understand how humidity works, you put a wetish thing like a fresh leaf in a bag with dry flowers and they will equalize transferring humidity , chances are your flowers will be about 50-52 % dry unless you harvest them perfectly or are able to set your dry room to exactly 60% rh so you’ll have to bump up the humidity post trim in the jar or bag
I just realized that the grove bags had humidity control built in. I was about to buy them on Amazon and read a review that said get them from their site. A lot of bad reviews about the Amazon ones some being knock offs. I read on the site how they work. There’s only a couple of sizes to choose from though.