You’ll definitely be able to build a better fixture with a nice low profile and it would benefit you more in a space like this due to canopy coverage. You don’t have a ton of height so your eventually going to have your light right up against the top with minimal gap between it and your plants. That means you want max coverage at minimal distance, it will take more time and effort but a build would be better. The knowledge that you gain will be invaluable as well, you will probably build all your boards after that saving you in the long term.
The reason you don’t want reflective surfaces like gloss white is that it creates reflections that in turn create hot spots
Yeah good points fellas thanks a lot for the tip with the white paint makes sense @Nicky and yeah the height thing is something I was worried about I’ll be running a lot of autos I feel like and some Shorty photos haha but I’m sure it will be tight fit regardless sometimes due to strains etc. ok @dbrn32 I’m gonnna look into the strips and drivers when I get home from work! I’m game!
Your best bet will to be to blast them with light to control The height/ stretch. Look for short strains, photos could work really good if you can flip them early but keeping a mother is a hassle. I wouldn’t say autos are necessarily better in this situation it could be done with both.
I’ve had autos that I struggle with in my 7ft tall tent lol
And @Nicky I’m trying to learn and help my buddy start a SOG perpetual grow also right now. He’s got two 5x5s a 2x4 and a 2x2 so I definitely plan on snatching clones from him
Haha yeah exactly and he has two 5x5s he can SOG out of. Right now he’s growing some of my bag seed I gave him too bad he didn’t mother these but he did pull some clones but there in DWC and already flipped to flower too.
He’s got two Colombian Gold fem photos that are almost two months old and I have three pink sugar cookies reg seeds that are a little over a month old. So I think the plan is to clone those two strains and mother for the first attempt at it.
Chilled tech. You can order everything you need to copy their fixtures directly from them. Check pricing, may be better to get the x3 kit would essentially be same light with different driver.
And I can run a chilled tech x3 closer to my canopy with better coverage than the HLG 350 rspec you think @dbrn32 ? Or what’s the reason for a Chilled Tech x3 over the HLG 350r? Just curious
3 modules that pretty much span entire length of space, as opposed to two.
You could do same thing with 1120mm strips or perpendicular mounted 560mm strips, will just be a lot tighter in the space. Chilled tech makes theirs 40" so just happens to work out in your favor a little more.
Radiometric efficacy at the 2100ma driver i originally gave you is over 2.9 umols/joule. Slightly less light than 350r but more efficient. With x3 light or kit I think they run at about 2.87 with driver losses calculated probably about the same efficacy as 350r but a little more light. Either way is more diffuse light, which should be able to run closer and provide a little more balanced intensity levels across the canopy. 350r still a really nice light, just not as good of fit for you, in my opinion.
@dbrn32 is there such thing as too much exhaust? I have the 6 inch AC infinity s6 with the charcoal carbon filter, and my “Stealth” box area is 25”x45”x78” so basically 2x4x6.6. That will work fine in there right?
Well as you fellas can see I went and picked it up!!! The “STEALTH BoX” haha. As you guys can also tell got some work to do on it Sanding, filling holes, patching cracks, painting Etc but I’ll have that done soon. I’ll be removing that middle shelf and possibly removing the bottom floor board to get the extra 6inches where the shelf is down there. I’ll add a 6 inch hole top right for exhaust and some vents on the side and back around the bottom that can open and close some how. So what you fellas think?! She’s gonna be a stealth piece of Art when I’m done! @dbrn32@PharmerBob@pr@Nicky@Sincitytoker@Axemanjake23@Covertgrower@Budz@bazoo Sorry if I forgot anyone who I’ve been interacting with!
Nice. Reminds of @KeystoneCops box. Could check out his thread for ideas/concepts too. Custom Sealed 24"x24" Grow Box Yes, I lurk everywhere, some impressive work done. as a metal man none of my stuff is that pretty except my pipes. My propegation table is made out of a heavy duty nurses station drop table (top). Industrial (metal) studs and a piece of press board (shelf). Was quicker than measuring one cut. Just screwed it together. Wrapped it with 400D and it’s also my drying area between the shelves, random bathroom exhaust fan. Can’t wait to see your final product. The drying area is working surprisingly well, ignore initial reading, was in my hand.
Bluetooth hygrometers, got 4 of them from an old eBay friend for $23. Sell them at Walmart for 19.99ea. That price is for everyone too. Just gotta buy 4 or more to get 70% off his regular price. Make it worth the time.