I have this blog somewhere else and some have asked me to post it here so here it is:
So, I am not growing anything at the moment… I have soooo much product that I’ve decided to conduct experiments and journal them here since this all new to me… Always looking for feedback and help on this new venture for me!
Let’s talk about QWET first.
OK here we go! @Jmky105
First I started off with 1 ounce of really good buds from my Nepali Pink:
Next: I broke it down by hand into pieces about the size of a grain of rice (or a little bigger) and put it in a quart mason jar and screwed the lid on but not too tight:
Into the oven at 240 degrees for 1 hour to decarboxylate it. Shaking the jar gently about every 10-15 minutes and here is the outcome… light nutty brown/green color:
Next: After it is completely cooled, I burped the jar one more time, put the lid back on - put in the freezer overnight along with my 190 Everclear (each still separate).
The next day I took the Everclear and the broken buds out of the freezer… both are nice and frosty cold! Pour just enough Everclear to cover the plant material, then I shook the jar violently for 15 minutes (I’m not joking, BTW LOL!!!).
Placed the jar back in the freezer for another hour but pulled out and shook every 15 minutes.
Removed from freezer, shook again and poured through a strainer with cheesecloth like this. Note, I use the food grade cheesecloth like this (they are re-useable):
There are other things out there that I may try next like this:
Let it drip through the cheesecloth into a silicon baking dish.
When that was done dripping, I squeezed as much of the alcohol/liquid out as you could by hand:
Next step, I rinsed the mason jar and then poured the liquid back into the mason jar. Took the same strainer and lined it with a coffee filter:
Poured the liquid over the strainer/coffee filter. Note this took a long time so I made a setup so I didn’t have to hold the strainer. Seriously took about an hour for it to all drain through. NOTE: This is where that Buchner Funnel Filter would come in instead.
I should have filtered it one more time (,maybe with two layers of coffee filters) since this is all the gunk I filtered out, maybe next time…
I squeezed every last drop of of the coffee filter and here’s what it looks like now.
So now, back into the silicon baking dish (rinsed first), covered with a cookie drying rack, covered with regular hardware store cheesecloth to keep crap out of it, set up my fan on high blowing directly over the baking dish (Note, I put some clips on the cheesecloth to the rack to keep the cheesecloth from flying off LOL)…
Now the wait… (about 1.5 days has passed. And…
The wait is over! (Well it was over yesterday but we had company coming for dinner).
Anyway, remember 2 days ago I started with 1 oz of good bud from my Nepali Pink. Well here’s what it looks like when you’re ready to scrape it out of the silicon dish. Make sure there is no liquid left, tilt the pan around and make sure nothing is still runny whatsoever!
To scrape it out, I’m just using the dab tool that came with one of my silicon storage containers:
Here is the container I’m going to use you can buy them on Amazon (Dab/Wax storage containers)
Just keep scraping and scraping… trying to get every bit of wax you can - don’t waste a thing!
This stuff is SUPER sticky and gooey! If you get any on you or your countertop, grab some more Everclear - that’s the only thing that will get it off!