CBD vs THC infusions

Hey all! I got a great deal on a pound of CBD (thank you market saturation) I want to decarb it and make tinctures and infusions like I do with my THC based plants.

Is the process the same? Anything I should do different?

@DoobieNoobie @Cheftodd420 @Haildamaged @blackthumbbetty


I don’t think CBD need to be decarbed for use. I’m willing to wait what others say.

Decarb it for about an hour at 240/250F, otherwise treat it the same.


It does. It’s mostly CBD-A to start. :grinning:

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Thanks @blackthumbbetty didn’t know. But now I do.

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You’re the best! Thanks!

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You’re welcome! I love making my own CBD tincture. Waaaaaay cheaper than buying it. Plus, I know the buds are organic, pesticide free, blahblahblah. :grinning:

Let us know how it goes!

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