I’m planning on infusing coconut oil with high cbd /low thc weed in a slow cooker. I know high thc weed has to be decarbed before making edibles, but does high cbd also have to be decarbed? As the purpose is NOT to get high, logically it wouldn’t need to be. Or, does decarbing also release something essential in cbd too? Any answers?
@blackthumbbetty you have been recommended for your insight…got any for me?
thc and cbd are supposed to walk hand in hand…
i’m like you and need the medicinal aspect of the plant more than the high…although that ain’t bad…lol
i do heavy indicas mostly,but cooked [decarbed]some skywalker fluff buds last…it works but is kinda racey…i was up until ten!
so after reading all of that jibberish,here is my take…yes ,but just to get enough thc to give the cbd a hand…
after taking these pills for about a month and a half and my knees have quit popping and cracking when i walk…i’m doing something right there…i hope folks who know more chime in. i’m always open in this discussion @DieHigh55
Interesting…I read somewhere else that cbd actually suppresses thc. I’m just afraid that I’m going to 1. unnecessarily decarb my cbd weed and stink up the house for nothing or 2. mix up a batch of infused coconut oil without decarbing and find out later that it would have been more effective if I had. Decisions, decisions.
Might have some insight
Thanks, I’ll sight her in.
Maybe try some both ways?
When we decarb it’s generally to turn THC-A into available THC. We tend to forget that our herb also has CBD-A and CBD available.
You can decarb or not, it’s up to you. If you don’t decarb, you’ll likely get no psychoactive effects, terpenes and other compounds will be mostly intact, and you’ll have access to a good amount of the CBD in the final product.
If you do decarb for CBD-A, it can take longer than decarbing thc-a; this will cause your THC to decarb (it could also cause some of the thc to fizzle away), but it will also give you a whole lot more usable CBD. You might lose some terpenes & other compounds while gaining the extra cbd.
So, you really don’t have to decarb for CBD, but if you’re looking to get the most readily available CBD into your body, you most definitely can decarb for CBD.
As with many things, it’s entirely dependent on your needs & preferences.
I wanted to tag you too but could not remember your name
Awww no problem as I’ve been lurking around
Why, that’s absolutely brilliant! Ladies, give this @SmoknGranny a round of applause!
Thanks for your help. Since I don’t expect to actually “feel” anything psychoactive , except maybe a bit less been pain here and there, I’ll try smokin’ grannies suggestion…a portion decarbed and a portion not and compare the results. Then I’ll vape some Blue Dream and get wasted!
Now that’s a good plan and I know you will share the results
I believe @AnneBonny decarbs hers. Shes my go to girl on cbds.
Hopefully she’ll get the tag and add her knowledge, I know she’s a top canna chef.
Made the first batch today without decarbing.
I rigged up a double boiler with two pots, let the coconut oil and weed simmer for about 3 hours, strained and ready to cure everything from acne to sarcoidosis (don’t know what that is but they said it on Dr. House a lot).
After chillin’ in the fridge awhile
Great so now for the decarb to see the difference. Experimenting can be fun and informative
@DieHigh55 So sorry that I’m late to the thread. Work has been insane and life has just been getting in the way. I believe in order to get the best and most out of your medicine you need to decarb. Otherwise your CBDA stays as CBDA and not CBD. As @blackthumbbetty mentioned much of it is personal choice but I did find this article on it:
Firstly, it is important to understand what both of these cannabinoids are in relation to each other. CBDA is the acidic precursor to CBD. When cannabis grows, its produces THCA and CBDA, not THC and CBD. These cannabinoids in their acidic form are often seen as being ‘inactive’. When cannabis is heated, such as through smoking, cooking, or vaporization, a process known as decarboxylation occurs. Decarboxylation turns both THCA and CBDA into THC and CBD respectively. Both CBDA and CBD are non-psychoactive, meaning they won’t get you high.
Although CBDA is largely seen as inactive, that status may not really do it justice. There is currently only little research into the properties of CBDA, but what has been done has found potentially beneficial properties. For example, it is thought to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative traits, as well as a few other.
CBD on the other hand has had much more in-depth research surrounding it, and as far as the scientific community is concerned, much more promising in terms of potential. CBD too has anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects, as well as many more, that have all been studied in greater detail. This is not to say that CBDA does not have potential, but according to research the potential is greater for CBD.
For example, Dr. Sean McAllister, a highly prolific scientist in the field of cannabinoid research, found that THC and CBD appeared to inhibit and kill cancer cells. But also that “compared to CBD, CBDA had negligible effects in cell viability as say against multiple cancers. We therefore never took a great interest in the molecule.”
Fight cancerThis is further backed up by a study that Dr. McAllister points out. The study, “Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma,” found that of all the cannabinoids (including THC, CBG, and CBC), CBD was the most potent at fighting breast cancer, whereas CBDA was the least.
This is not to say that the results of this study are gospel, but it demonstrates how little we currently know about CBDA, and that much more research is required.
So to conclude, both CBD and CBDA have very similar properties (one is the precursor to the other), but as things stand, CBD is the molecule of choice - and the research reflects that.
Hope that helps some.~AB
Yeah, what she said.
Ok, so next batch will be decarbed. Since there isnt anything psychoactive (I think this strain is rated at at .5% THC and 10+%CBD, if that’s to be believed), I wonder if any difference will be noticeable. Also, do you think simmering the plant material in coconut oil at around 90°C. for 3 hours would have the same effect as decarbing, or does it have to be decarbed dry in the oven? Thanks for your help
That might decarb it enough. I decarb at 240 F for 40 minutes so your temp is a little lower but going for longer time so you might be fine with that.