Cannatrol cool cure? Its a cigar fridge!

Just curious anyone using cannatrol?? They are 1500.00 cigar temp humidity control cabinet around 300.00. They look to be same just because its for weed it coast more??? Thanks love to hear input!!


LOL, yep, also looks like my wife’s wine cooler that cost like $450.



You tell me! Only difference i see the shelves. And around $1000 bucks!


And possibly more technology into smell reduction among other things…although prices for everything are up…I’ll stick with the .30 cent grove bag :grin::call_me_hand:t2:


Me 2 but they use it to dry it. And you can cure and store.Check out cannatrol .com basically climate control.

They are basically a mini fridge with thermoelectric cooling unit. The part used to cool is called a peltier device, which is basically an electronic device with a hot side and cold side. They install heatsink and cooling fan on hot side, the cooler it is the colder the cold side will be. Then use temp controller to cycle electronics on and off via setpoints. They don’t cool as well as standard refrigeration unit, but they also don’t play havoc on relative humidity within the space.

If you are handy and resourceful, you can build one out of old mini fridge uber cheap. I think I got 5- 50 watt peltier devices for around $10 on aliexpress. Spent $18 on power supply, then used a bunch of stuff I had leftover from lighting projects to complete. I never bought controller, but something that small should be available on Amazon for +/- $20. Could probably use same stuff everyone is using for diy rosin press.


There’s a big difference , this works with vapor pressure slowly releasing moisture at a controlled slope. I’m in the middle of ordering one now as a matter if fact after reading allot of great reddit reviews for those that actually have them. They dry, cure, and hold your buds at that perfect moisture level for months even up to years. The only draw back I see is yes it’s a little pricey for being that small but… No worry about mold mildew or drying to fast slow, always dries perfectly ! I also like not having to worry about ever burping a bunch of jars again to


@Smalls @Hellraiser @dbrn32 I know this topic is kinda old but I just got mine.

Yes it is expensive but I havnt even got through the first test run with it and is by far more superior. I have a few little test buds in my machine and a few that I hung dried and has been in cure grove bags for over a week. The piece of tiny bud I pulled out of the cool cure on only 1 day of cure is night and day difference to that I’m my grove bags. So basically I fought trying to keep conditions right for drying over a week in hang dry. A complete battle!
The machine I just put in and hit a few buttons, turn the buds over every day or other day , make sure the water dump is empty and the sponge is moist. Simple , the bud I pulled out this morning with only 1 of the 9 days I programmed for cure smells n taste like bud not chlorophyll like the other in Grove bags, and is already many times smoother to smoke. Is it worth it ? Absolutely!! That’s just 1 day if cure. Wait till the cycle is over!



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Ive been watching videos on it lately this seems to be a good watch

@moderators i believe this is allowed but if the link isnt allowed please remove

Hmmmm…pricey but awesome! I wonder…
How many units in a group purchase would get one shipped for 1000? …20, or 30 units? Who all here would get on board for that price?

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@Took1-4theteam @CLICKYBONES ive already got the green light from my fiance to get one come tax time. I wouldn’t mind waiting to hear from others if they can afford it and want a discount. Im thinking late april 2023 is when ill be able to afford it so that should be a decent amount of time to get a list together of interested people. The video link i posted above is very informative even if your not interested in the system. It helps me better understand why i overdry from time to time and how moisture can be sapped from your buds so quickly


That breaks things pretty good :+1: good find.

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I asked them if I could get a discount code that would not only give anyone I advertised a discount but if I can send enough over get another machine or a certain discount for however many people purchase one using that code. :joy:. Would help if I had a YouTube channel on grows or something. Wheels are spinning :joy:


I just emailed them and asked if i found x amount of people interested in the forum if they could cut a special discount if its above the amount specified on their website and mentioned your profile name in reccommending the product on the forum and said i was really drawn in after the info video i found on YouTube and that i look forward to being able to get this product in the future and would love to help others with a discount to spread the word about the product


In the info video its really cool to learn that they started with the food industry and with curing cheese and that the top 4 cheese brands in the world were using their brand to cure and win in the finals and still are to this day


The company pointed me towards a retailer in my state just now…
1700 out the door…
And here i am not wanting to spend 1k on one


Yeah i figured 1700 after tax and shipping


Yeah, only good thing about an in house purchase is a place to return if issues… Cost is same to my front door from company


I mean i would seriously sponsor them if they asked me to start a youtube. I think that would be really fun thing to do in my spare time. But it would be cool to get a special discount code for the forum if we found enough people interested thats really my hopes

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