As stated above. Courious if it could work. They can be set to temps 37 to 65 degrees.
I have not…but I did just get a Cannatrol…and it has a similar cabinet to a mini-fridge or wine cooler…but works differently. Now that I have used it…the issue I see with a wine cooler would be the humidity levels inside of it. I had to empty a drip pan multiple times per day while drying a large batch…about 1/2 to 3/4 cup each time. I think moisture would build up in the cooler and things would stop drying. There is also no air movement in the wine coolers so mold could be an issue.
My two cents
No, but I’m considering my cigar humidor for curing. I have an electric that would hold about ½lb dried. I can set temps fro. 54-74 and would only need a couple 58% Bovedas.
I would love to find a cheaper way… but…
I think i will have to buy a cannatrol to figure out how it works…
Nothing that i have been able to find , works like the cannatrol…
So its basically going to need to be back engineered to build my own bigger one…
But i will definitely be getting one…
Have to start somewhere…
Sounds like a good investment…
What do those cannatrols cost??
Most of them ive seen do have circulation fans inside. The Rh would need some though for sure.
Like 1700 bucks… usa $
Its definitely an investment…
But i believe with my handy skills it just might be worth it…
Drying and curing is always a struggle for me…
I live in an extreme environment, so keeping things in check is a struggle…
So for me , it could pay for itself with one harvest… soooooo…
Im trying to talk my wallet into opening…
Well that aint happening. LOL
Ya , its definitely an investment
My danm wallet tries to fu#kin bite me whenever i go near
Gotta make it happen tho…
The only thing negative that ive heard about it is its to small…
I want to buy one and back engineer it to make something bigger if possible
It will dry and cure in 8 days, I’m loving mine. Keep in mind that you are only supposed to do 2.2 lbs wet at a time.
It is too small…hope they (or you) come up with a bigger one. That said, I was able to stagger my harvest. I put one plant in for 8 days…just under the 2.2 pound limit…when they were done I took them out and placed in Grove bags and started the next plant…this time slightly overloaded at 37 oz…it will be done two days from now. The rest I did traditionally.
I really like the result…they terp retention and tatse is great! Buds are super sticky. Once this batch is done, I will store everything I have in brown paper lunch bags in the cannatrol and it will continue to cure and get better.
Here is a white paper by Dr. Justice that shows 16% more terp retention using this technology over traditional methods.
Damn,damn,damn. This hobby is getting out of control LOL just like my other one! Money,money,money! It got to the point where 1200.00 for a needle on my turntable looked reasonable. LMFAO. Im in trouble.
My name is Audiofreak and i have a problem…
Ive seen some electric cigar cooler/humidor in the 600.00 plus range that control Rh and temp well within the 60/60 range.
Man hifi sound and growing??? Picking a couple spendy hobbies there my friend. I hear ya cluckin big chicken.
You aint wrong there! I saw real fast how this hobby can get expencive quick…but when i listen to my system i dont regret a dime spent. Same when blowing a bowl.
Ya , i believe that i found something that sounds similar , but its still not a cannatrol…
So i can’t really say…
But after looking into how they operate , im not sure that they are the same thing tho…
Will definitely be looking into this much further…
If the goal is 60ish temp and 60ish Rh the cigar (elecrtic) humidor can do that easily. Not sure what is missing or different. Trying to learn as well.
If you want a laugh before i retired i used to do local Bass Club Tournaments. Ya Fishing gear aint inexpencive LOL F-ing nuts 450.00 in a rod and reel and i carried 7 plus tackle BOXES. LMAO im a glutton for punishment.
The Cannatrol dries and cures around 68 degrees. It dries at a dew point of about 52 and cures at a dew point of around 54. I think that comes out to 55 to 62% rh.
I’d love to get one of those cannatrol devices but at 1700 it aint happening. Im not sure how the electric cigar humidor does the humidity.