Anyone ever use a wine or beverage cooler for drying and curing?

When you load the cannatrol fo you have to spread out all the colas or can they be lightly piled on the shelving???

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You can only get 2.2 lbs of wet buds in there (whether they are trimmed or not)ā€¦so there is plenty of room and shelves to spread the buds out across the shelvesā€¦but to answer your question, I think Lightly piled buds would be okā€¦I kind of did that with the popcorn buds for mine.


Get a used refrigerator pull some of the shelves out and dry your weed in that. Just set the temp to what you would normally. The fridge will pull the moisture out. Takes a bit longer then 8 days though.

Havent found a fridge that will keep temp above 40 degrees

yes I just built my own cannatrol for about 220 bucks , super easy just pair with a small dehumidifier and use an inkbird humidity controller


Welcome! How did you control temp???

I seen some cigar coolers/humidores that claim they can keep temp and humidity within the correct ranges and they go around 600/1000 to be big enough.

Welcome to the group. Others have said people with savvy can build oneā€¦can we see a picture?



Coolā€¦have you used it before or are we seeing its inaugural run?

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Do you have a cannatrol to run side by sideā€¦?
Im not gonna say one way or anotherā€¦
But the cannatrol guys have been at this for a minā€¦
Not like typical drying and curingā€¦
This is a little slightly differentā€¦
Its really not similar to anything that im trying to dry and cureā€¦ canibas that isā€¦
Soooooo, its not similar to my redneck waysā€¦
But im sure that your onto somethingā€¦
I think your sealed environment is going to be key to this setupā€¦
Ill get it figured outā€¦
Will share a lil somthin somthinā€¦
:v: :sunglasses:

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No I don not have a canna troll , I read the us pattent they filed and went from there.
Do you think they have some kind of magic sauce , lot of people do
I did it because I live in a jungle like climate and I am tired of losing terps

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First run and it is half way done and already vape able


There is a diy thread out there. How to diy a thermolectric wine cooler into a diy cannatrol. They call it a Canna-Troll. Costs way less than a cannatrol and does 99% the same.

I use a compressor wine fridge ( lotus dry) and if you follow the directions there is no issue with moisture. Done a few drys with it and the results are fantastic!!!
I started usring frost free fridges and now a compress wine fridge for my drying environment sucks.if one follows the directions the result is stellar. Way better than I can ever get with my privious drying conditions.
I will be diying a Canna-Troll out of a thermoelectric wine cooler this winter for no other reason but because I can.