Can someone diagnose

I have a GG4 Auto flower she is 38 days old and I just have caught some problems but need some experience here please .
S44 ionboard ac infinity 90%
6 inch inline carbon filter
2 - 6 inch fans
5 gallon pot
Fox farms OF
Fox farms trio
Humidity 54%
Room temp 74-79
Run off ph is 6.0 to 6.4


Overall she looks very good. Do you know the strength of your solution when you mix the FF trio, or your runoff ppm/EC?
In one of the pics I see what looks like the very first signs of a calcium deficiency. Also, are you adding cal/mag first when you mix your solution?


Those spots could be trouble. Closely check the undersides of the leaves with a magnifying glass or scope for tiny pests. Cal-Mag is a good idea as well.


The runoff was a 6.3 , and I don’t know really know the strength just going by there feeding chart . For the cal mag I am adding it befor the nutrients.


That was my first thought , ( damn pest ) but I have give her a good shake down for the most part and can’t find any .

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Here is a picture back off the plant , she has been droopy since this morning so around 15 hours . She was very hungry I’m pretty sure because the soil was dry . So I give a good watering and got the ph of that being 6.3 . Hoping that’s all it was but that’s when I noticed the spots and lightness of the leaves .


Looks a lil over watered, a little light on calmag . Whats the ppfd on the plant?


The soil was bone dry , like I could thump the pot and it sounds like it was hollow and over all weight of plant was very light . Would it still be over water ? The VPD is 1.1 has been 1.4


Light in the cal-mag as if ( lay off or she needs more ) ???

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How much of the FF trio are you using per gallon. I highly recommended purchasing a TDS pen to check the nutrient mix PPMs and the run off of this. Have you flushed the plant following the FF recommendation. You could have an excess of salts from the nutrients if you haven’t been routinely feeding or watering to liberal run off :love_you_gesture:


I’m taking what they recommend and cutting in half , unfortunately I don’t have one of those pens but will invest asap. I done a flush about a week ago , soon after I got the spotting of the leaves , wilty look . Also how much run off should I be getting befor I stop watering .

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Water or feed to approximately 20% of what you’re putting in :love_you_gesture:

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Gg are very sensitive to ph fluctuations. VERY. Not sure why so finicky but 2 years solid growing them always the issue for me. I would dry them out…then restart a wet/dry cycle. Calmag is great but I would bet magnesium over calcium. Couple tblspn top dressed of epsom salts for plants. All in all they look good. Heavy doses of silica blast help trichome production. Gg is a very dense flower. Also…even though they get ugly at times the gg produce well even under stress. Just my thoughts here.


I’m on my second run and I too am having issues with GG4. This thing was a beast and didn’t start to flower until 40 days in. All was good. Have been testing runoff all along. pH 6.8 and ppm 500-500. Growing in FFOF with 20% perlite. Last week too dresses with dr earth but the issue started affecting older larger leaves first then spread. Started with dropping leaves. I don’t over or Uber water so I’m pretty sure it’s not that. I did add some fox farm nutes once after the issue first started. It was just the big buds formula.

Good new for today , I’ve got them back up and waving for the most part . The spots has stopped showing up and she is looking a lot better off . I do believe she was starving , being the reason for the wilting .