Cal Mag Feeding

See, I’m confused now!

Not trying to call you out or anything but, you mention the money they spend, and how it’s important to follow the schedule. Then you say you completely disregard the schedule!
Which is it? LOL!

The published FF schedule explicitly says to start with Big Bloom and in seedling stage!
It’s not until the second week of veg you introduce Grow Big to the mix - according to the schedule.
I totally agree that the names are screwed up. WTH world you put something called Big Bloom on a week old plant with 4 leaves?
But, as you can see, this is what the schedule plainly says.

I’m using the trio, well currently the duo, on a couple of outside plants in crap re-used soil, MiracleGro no less, and they are banging!

I’m starting to think if anything applies to growing weed it’s KISS!
Keep It Simple Stupid!

It’s like dealing with drunk rednecks - don’t look for no trouble and there won’t be none! LOL!

Best of luck to all and Happy Growing!