Cal mag questions?

Hey there everyone, i was wondering when using cal mag do i use every watering ?
And do i use it with nutes once i start?
Please help

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I dont grow in soil… But the guy at local grow shop explained it to me that if you are using RO water you need it, but with tap water you might not need it at all because it’s in tap water. Like I said I grow dwc soooo take what I say with a grain of salt but I wouldn’t use it right away if you’re using tap water n if using RO water I would just throw a lil in even if the plants are young. I wouldnt listen to me right away though until a soil grower replies cuz there the hole water with straight water then with nute water the next water thing that I have no experience with at all

I add cal mag with every watering. It might not be nescesary but I do. I use it right along with my normal nutes but it would probably depend on what nute line you are using. Some nutrient lines have calcium and magnesium in them so it wouldn’t be nescesary. The nutes I use don’t have any so I have to supliment with cal mag.
If your plants are still very young in the seedling stage I wouldn’t give them anything just PH balanced water.


Sunday will end my 4th week both of my auto has shown signs of flowering with pistils emerging so it will be a month by the time i start using the nutes i have the fox farm trio is that good?

A lot of people use the fox farm trio. I have never used it myself so can only go in what others have said but they have had good luck with it. As
Far as having to use cal mag with the fox farm trio I’m really not sure and I don’t want to give you incorrect information. Hopefully another memeber whonjas used it can comment weather or not it is needed.
For now I guess you could check the labels on the trio and see if it mentions calcium or magnesium as being part of them. You could always start with a 1/4 dose and see how they respond. I started using cal mag with my nutes because I was seeing signs of calcium deficiency and magnesium deficiency so it made sense for me to start using it. You plants might currently be healthy and it might not be needed.

Day 25 pics

Give those suckers some nutes! Most ppl start by the third or 4th set of true leaves. Autos are more sensitive to nutes so go quarter str like jmesser said and raise it to half str slowly if they respond well. Another thing about Cal or mag deficiencies is having the pH off just a little can lock them out. I know I had to retest and adjust my meter because then deficiency didn’t go away even with Calmag being added. Again I’m a hydro guy so I don’t know exactly where ur run off should be, I think 6.5-6.8, but sometimes pH being off will mess up you grow some. I know I have some discolored leaves still from my meter being off by like 3-4 tenths

I use FFOF and started using cal-mag @50% recommended amount every other watering after I saw some deficiency.

Is fox farm trio good ?

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I did okay with it but I’ll probably change over to Flower Power once I run out of FF.

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Me too i’m excited to try the flower power

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So what nutes do u recommend for best results?

I’ve only used FF but people here have been using Flower Power with great luck so I want to give it a try.


Ok thanks :+1:

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