Best containers for curing

Whats the best medium I should cure my harvest in? i’ve been looking at one gallon food grade buckets, mylar bags and glass containers. Glass is very expensive but i am hesitant to put my bud in anything plastic. What do you all use?


I’m diggin grove bags :green_heart::metal:t2:


Grove Bags right here!


I’m still old school glass. 1/2 gal Mason jars here.


Mason jars. Old school. I could see groves possibly for cure, but long term…jars


Depends on the size of the harvest. I use 3 to 4 of these depending on harvest. Also if drying to fast I can put buds lay on side with no lid. Slows down dry time significantly. After a month or so maybe 2. I put in 1/2 gallon glass mason jars for long term storage. May even do some more burping in the jar. From there wife takes out enough to till a half pint mason jar. That way she’s not opening big jar so often. From there breaks up enough to fill a prescription bottle to carry.
Probably TMI.

They are 2 gallons. They also sell cheese balls in a similar jar. Just make sure it has the screw on top and not the snap on. I got mine at walmart. When I bought them I gave free pork rinds and cheese balls to friends. Cheaper to buy this way than empy.


Mason jars with humidi packs.

Also I use rubber maid 50 gal plastic bins with lids, in-between drying to hold branches till i can get to trimming. But then right into mason jars.

Tend to dry for 7-10 days. Till branches are brittle and snapped


I use mason jars and cure bags. If you use ball mason jars get wide mouth, don’t pack them leave 10-15% room. Also bodeva packs are great to add. Or use temp and humidity device. If you use cure bags I’ve found 1/2 to 1 lb bags are best. Don’t pack those either leave room. Don’t use bodeva packs in the cure bag. You can get 12 of the temp/humidity device for about $20


Ill store in grove bags in a cool dark spot for a few months, then move to mason jars with broveda packs for the long haul.


Old school here too, and also cheap since we do alot of canning. Mason jars with the above mentioned hydrometers. Curing and long term storage.


Grove bags here. It’s a blessing not having to burp 20 jars daily. For longer term storage after 6 months in bags move them to jars, the bags dried them up too much for me last harvest which supply lasted me 10 months. Last few months worth of weed got quite brittle and felt too dry and crumbles way too easily.


Damn. I didnt get any cheesballs or pork rinds☹️


Grove bags are great for long term storage. Especially if you heat seal.


Hope this helps. I’ve been using Grove Bags now for over 5 seasons s now and have noticed something that surprised me. I feel after 2/3 months in the bags it is cured, however I’ve discovered this ain’t the end. After the CURE another process is rearing it head and I calling it AGEing. After 7 months in bags I’ve noticed a change in the Buzz I get as it starts getting NOTICEABLE much better from one bag to the next! It seems each bud is better than the last!


@Audiofreak this is interesting and I would like to learn more about this. 7 months and it got better? Mine was perfect for the first 6 months, after that it got too dry, even the hygrometers were stating humidity in the bags dropped to 54% - 56%, when I originally put the weed in them it went in at 60% - 63%. Do you heat seal or use painter’s tape? I have yet to try this.


I wonder if this has something to do with trichomes changing. Giving more body high. Wife mentions this to me sometimes. I cure differently and store differently. Sounds like same results though. Don’t get me wrong on this I think grove bags work just fine. I already have jars and never have to buy new
Don’t like humidity bags of any kind around it but thats a personal preference. Just haven’t found a use for them in my jars moisture stays good at around 55 to 58 percent. We prefer that over 62% again preferance. I have jars of weed that are ancient that I will sometimes get out and they are as good or better that when I canned them. Think the trick is boil the lid and seal tight after 6 months of burping once a month. Sometimes more sometimes less. You have to know how you like your weed to feel. Then heat the lid and seal. Put in cool dark place. Then from that day to forever from then open and use. Just like grandma’s beets some are 30 years old we still eat them. OMG are they good. When we eat them only on special occasion it like she is still with us.


No I just rehydrate using a potato slice if it gets too dry. But even when it does it smokes and get stronger with age. The LA Confidential bagged last Aug 2023 is to the point I can’t smoke it during the day or I take nap each time so it’s only smoked in the evening. The bags of NYC Diesel bagged in March is starting to show improvement now.


I’ve been using mostly 1 ounce bags but now I have confidence that mold isn’t an issue I will be curing in 1/4 lb bags…


Oh I guess mine ages differently.
Not sleepy time weed unless I grow it that way. Have chores to do. I do grow some that way for her for just before bed. Other than that it has some energy to it. Were old with a boy 11 years old. I give sleepy time away when we get to much or I screw up a grow and make sleepy time by accident. Know plenty of people that like that.


The LA is a indica mix where the Diesel is more sativa dominate. So they follow what’s expected as far as the type of high it just seems to get stronger after time. At least that’s my experience so looking at it the same way I would for aging beef, wine or other Spirits as well as fruit. Even my wife’s Chile and red sauce gets better in the fridge after a few days!