Any advice on when to cut. Taking some caterpillar damage


Looks like you have a few more weeks to go. I’m not seeing any amber


Any whole plant pics and a couple individual bud shots? Looks close, but not quite there.

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If it was CBD, you’d be golden!

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Every tume I start seeing caterpiller damage I get tempted to cut. Im using BT spray but it doesnt stop them 100% . Thanks for talking me down. I always regret cutting early after I do it.

You have some time to go before those buds are ready given all the white hairs. Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew Concentrate, at 1.5x strength is good stuff. Apply in evening so it doesnt evaporate. Safe thru harvest, rinses with bud wash.

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Here is a couple more. Maybe another week or two?


I don’t think 10-14 days would hurt. Just be mindful of those dxxx caterpillars!!!

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Good thing is thr plant is 11ft tall so even if I take a little loss it wont hurt to bad lol. Thanks for your help :+1:

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