Would love some feedback on my first grow

Hi Everyone.
First grow, two plants. Outdoor in pots. Used Autoflower GSC. Probably around 10 weeks now. Found what I think are cutworms in the buds and will spray tonight. Any thoughts on how the plants look, how soon I may be looking at harvest? Thanks for any feedback. It’s been fun so far! (except for those damn worms).


I might try BTi for worms or caterpillars. Try picking them off too whenever you see them. By the looks, you have at least 3+ weeks to go. She needs to fatten up a lot! I have a GSC auto coming down tomorrow! When looking at trichomes, make sure to look about 1/3rd the way down the plant and at buds, not sugar leaves. Very nice looking! Congrats! You’re doing great!


That’s one to be proud of for a first time grow


Do not use Neem oil! It will ruin your crop FYI.

Like @Caligurl said; use something like Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew or Safer Caterpillar Killer. Both are benign to plants and animals but lethal to insects. Cheap and effective. I guarantee if you can see them there are many more in hiding. They burrow into your flower and destroy it.


Hi CaliGirl, Woodrow, and Myfriendis410 - thanks for the advice. I sprayed Captain Jacks last night and must have picked off 10 lethargic caterpillars this AM. Will spray some Monterey BT tonight and see if I can get the rest removed from the two plants. They have killed a lot of what were nice buds, but hopefully, I’ll have a few to salvage so I can declare my first grow a success. Sure smells good! Advice and encouragement much appreciated. I’ll hit you up for harvest advice in a few weeks, after what I am hoping is a miraculous plant recovery!


Dang caterpillars… ugh!

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