Need help and advice urgent!

Ihi all, i need help on what to do. My grow is only a few wks away from ready, but i have heavy rain been going for a week already and at least another week to go. I got catapillars again too. Should i just harvest and cut my losses before i lose it all or what shulould i do.
Worried about rot and damage from grubs. Pics are current stage. I have an umbrella covering it but still really worried.

Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew and left on for 5 days will kill most critters. Safer Caterpillar Killer uses a different bacillum and attacks most of the rest. Both products are cheap and work well.

As to bud rot; you gotta keep airflow and moisture off of the flower until harvest. Peroxide and distilled water will kill white powdery mildew (which is often a precursor to bud rot) but the caterpillars carry fungus spores inside the flower which IME caused bud rot for me.

Going to be up to you whether to cut your losses or wait it out. Might suggest planting in containers you could drag under cover when raining,

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Build some kind of cover over it that you can put a couple of fans in safely more airflow the better. Shake the water off the plants as often as possible. Use Captain jacks dead bug and BT caterpillar spray for the caterpillars but search every cola for them. They burrow deep into the colas and kill them from the inside out. Good luck, last year I went through exactly what you’re going through I was too late to act on a couple plants and lost a lot of bud to them God damn caterpillars


Catapillar poop all over it, isnt that what cause the rot too. What should i do about that.
Really starting to think i should just harvest early.:man_facepalming:
Defs gonna need a wash after all this. Fml.

@AussieBud ,

What strains are you growing? I am curious for my ongoing caterpillar observation correlation.

Do they smell citrus or orange in any way?

I grow lots of corn and no caterpillars. But every time I grow orange flavored cannabis or lemon flavored cannabis I get plagued by them. Agent orange and lemon kush are my perennial offenders. What I mean is I have 16 other Cana plants in the raised beds with interwoven stems and roots. No caterpillars anywhere except those strains. I mean more caterpillars than vegetable matter. iNFESTED. Even the baby clones on the other side of the yard were loaded with the buggers. But nothing else in the clone tray. Go figure.

I have tried tangie and lemon skunk to the same outcome. I want to try irie genetics orangegasm but I am afraid my old friend the hangry caterpillar will return for a visit.

Call me crazy but it is easier to pull those out than spray em everyday with captain jacks or BT. Also, I have found AO and lemon kush don’t win any mold resistance contest so spraying them so much is not doing them any favors.


No idea on strain but now that youve mentioned it it does have a slight citrus odour.
I had them earlier at wek 1 of flower just after sone rain and got on top of it but so much rain here(major flooding) its infested again, plus tge added worry of rot a few wks from harvest.
This was wk 1 just b4 the catapillars first plague.



I feel for you. :pray: The rain and mold is bad enough. But the damn caterpillars must feel like salt in the wounds.

Have you ever tried Durban poison.? I like to refer to it as good old reliable. For an old landrace it keeps up with my hybrid crosses no problem. It is the most mold and pest resistant strain I have ever sowed into the ground. You should try it. The dj short blueberry is very mold resistant too (better than Durban actually) but the pest seem to find it interesting. Spider mites love it but so far no caterpillars. It would be a second one to try if I were you.

Unfortunately looks like there is some bud rot setting in… as others have mentioned, you need good airflow especially in humid or wet conditions… if there is bud-rot, it can’t be smoked and needs to be thrown out… same thing happened to me a ways back. You can try washing the buds in a peroxide/lemon juice bath followed by baking soda bath, then a fresh water bath, then put a fan on them to dry… after you dry if there is any rot smell or visual, it shouldnt be smoked. Good luck!

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Im thinking if you chop now it is a total loss as the trichromes have not matured enough to be useable. So use the pesticides that have been mentioned squish bugs regularly and who knows you might get a decent harvest. If you want to use this grow for extracts you can get more agressive and use seven dust or diamataceous earth. If you chop now the bugs win.

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