Knowing not all lights are equal, I want a good light for my 4 plants in my 2x4 tent. Probably will be upgrading to a 4x4 shortly. Will this light grow some good stuff?? Would I need 1 or 2. Thanks. I know my questions are annoying.
could you please advise @dbrn32
Awesome light. It can veg a 3x3 and flower a 2x2 absolutely BEAUTIFULLY. A 4x4 may have a bit ‘weaker’ light on the edges n in the corners. But itll get the job beyond done
Even though the wattage is lower, I’m guessing the quality of the light compensates for it?
@PurpNGold74 so in my 2x4 I should be ok from start to finish with one light?? Sorry, just want to make sure I don’t waste money again.
Defo not a waste at all
@PurpNGold74 thanks man. 1 or 2 lights??
2 would get definitely get you some amazing buds. You’d need more tent!
@PurpNGold74 that’s a good problem. And I think I tag you just so I can stare at your avatar lmao
Lmmfao. Thanks man. I need to change it now. They signd LeBron
@PurpNGold74 I’m going to order one today. Will one get me some good results?
I built a light that compares to that one. It’s fantastic, but you’ll def need at least 2 in a 2’x4’ tent.
Ugh. Ok. I’ll order 2 then
If you’re going to do that, then why not just spend the extra couple $ and get the HLG 260 kit? It might be just around the same price honestly.
2 HLG 100 is going to give you around 200w, this will give you around 260w.
Same diodes, you get more with the QB 288 over the 190~ in the HLG 100.
It’s what I would go with instead for a 4 x 2 tent. Or if you have the extra 20$ to spend get the XL 260 kit for better spread.
Are they difficult to assemble?
Not at all. If you can use a screw driver you’re golden.
Thanks! I’m pretty handy so as long as there isn’t a ton of soldering etc I’ll be fine. I assume all parts are in it? Will this grow me some killer stuff?? I’m hoping it will help cover the cost lol.
Also, I’m guessing it is better than my king plus 900 double chip light?
Zero soldering, just plugging in some wires, screwing the boards on the heatsinks, and attaching the AC plug to the driver, with the connector it comes with.
It can be a little confusing when you receive everything at first. As there arent any instructions. But there are a ton of videos and guides online. If need be I could walk you through it as well.
Thanks so much