Am I SCROGGING Correctly?

I have never used a SCROG screen before, and i made one from one 2"x4"x8’ board, some screws and some weed wacker line.

I made the legs on it 18 inch tall, just slightly above the bottle layer of my canopy.

I spread the branches out slightly, but im not sure if im doing this stuff correctly. I am mainly just observing things you guys have done on this Forum, and thought to myself, “well shit i should try that!”

Does everything look ok with these?

Do i need to do some trimming underneath the SCROG?

These plants are a little over 2 months old, and i have stunted their growth slightly from starting them in the wrong soil and topping twice.

When should i flip to 12/12?


Looks good @Strungthru, keep tucking as the tops grow through the net. When the net is about 75% full flip to 12/12. Keep tucking for another week or so (I usually tuck for 2 weeks) after flipping.

Edit: I like to have each plant in its own SCROG frame so that I can move the plants around when needed.


Thank you @merlin44 ! I just wipped this together really quick in less then an hour…

I will try that next go round.

My main question is, how long can i safely veg these out for, considering they are a little over 2 months old?


Veg until they fill 75% of the SCROG. The remaining 25% will fill in during the initial stretch when you flip to 12/12. You can veg them for as long as you want to. Some folks keep a “mother plant” in veg for years as they take cuttings for clones.


Great job congratulations on your grow. Can’t wait to see the flowers.


Here is a 5 day difference shot. Is this one looking to bushy underneath?


Most folks remove everything below the netting.

I remove all new growth or shoots (absolutely no bud sites below the net) that will not reach the netting but I leave all of the leaves and let them fall off when they turn yellow on their own.


I removed some of the foliage, and small branches that were not going to reach the screen. I will remove more of them later tonight!:metal:


Just to be sure that you know…Almost everyone besides me would strip the plants clean below the netting.


What about branches that are almost to the net, but skinny?


That is an excellent question. There is no hurry, so I just watch them for a few days. If they are going to grow to net level and beyond, I keep them. Otherwise, I remove them. It is judgement call that you will learn as you go through this grow.

If there are plenty of viable tops I might cut some smaller branches like you describe later when the stretch is complete.


How are things looking with the Scrog stuff im doing?:slightly_smiling_face:

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The little black dots bugs on my plants are still there, even after coating them with jacks dead bug multiple times.

Now a few leaves are looking like this?

Im not sure whats going on.

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I have not dealt with many pest issues so not the most knowledgeable. Let’s tag in a few…

@kaptain3d @kellydans @Dman1969 @DoneDeal @Oldguy
@Myfriendis410 @DEEPDIVERDAVE

There are many others but this will get things going.


It is a bit late so folks may not chime in until tomorrow morning.


Its all good! Im just happy to have people to ask these questions too lol.

The weirdness on the leaf looks like rust? But im not sure if its from me coating them to much in jacks dead bug…


Good morning Growmies :facepunch: :call_me_hand: :metal::love_you_gesture::v: @merlin44 @Strungthru . Unfortunately I can’t help on this one :disappointed: because I’ve been fortunate enough and haven’t dealt with bugs except for the spider mites that took me out 3yrs ago but I know for sure someone who can…
@Lacewing good morning Growmie, can you please send a lil bug knowledge this way :pray::pray::pray:
The only thing I know is you need two different kind of poison to switch ever other usage so the bugs don’t build up an immunity to one kind of treatment.


Thank you @DoneDeal i went out and scooped up some Captain Jacks Neem Oil to use along side the captains jacks deadbug

I hope they are ok to use in conjunction. I sprayed the deadbug last night and was planning on dousing them with the neem oil tonight

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Sorry to be the one to tell you, but lacewing passed…

@ChittyChittyBangin @LiesGrows @Caligurl might beable to identify the damage.


Are you mixing your own concentration of JDB?

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