Plant has stopped yellowing so much, but now it has seemingly halted bud growth, and if I’m not mistaken there has been an accidental re-veg. I am in soil, giving fox farm trio nutes the whole way, switched to tiger bloom at the start of flipto flower. Started using nutrifield crystalic about 2 weeks ago for the molasses and sugars. Plant has acted funny every since I started flower.
Have you been monitoring/managing runoff pH?
Your plant is experiencing nitrogen toxicity. What is your runoff PPM?
Have there been changes to your lighting cycle? An “accidental” reveg isn’t likely. The process takes a couple of weeks, so it would be difficult to do it accidentally.
Not until a week ago, and runoff was 1000 ish. Just did it that once though
It may have been from a tiny blue ledight on a fan that’s on in there 24/7. I taped it off on the circuit board so it won’t. E that now
An LED on an appliance is not going to cause a reveg.
How about your pH? I expect you have pH problems if using the FF Trio. It is common once in flowering unless flushing out the salts intermittently.
Just in stretch. Pretty thick. Can prune when done. No glaring issues. I do not know if your nute line requires a flush at nute change. Someone will chime in on that. A few yellow leaves. Nothing to stress. Pluck them ALL. Wont make a dent in that vegetation. Then we watch her stretch and see if any yellowing starts again.
How wet is the soil?
Tiny amount of paint on her tips. Spot on uptake.
I dont see any real issues from here but am curious on how wet. Either way dry or wet can show that small sag you have.
Just my thoughts. I also agree a touch N hot but that will go away after stretch and nute changeover.
Ya, actually, it’s been in flower for almost 7 weeks! Stretch shoule have happened long ago. And as for the droopiness, I gave her an extra day without water to see if it was an over watering issue. Also I have noticed MANY single, and 3 blade leaves. That’s tell tale for re-veg from my understanding. But I’m not an expert.
Ph, is not terrible. 6.7-7.1 since she sprouted, I know a little high, but she has been healthy so far, and supposedly ph is a little less of an sensitive issue in soil, so I just kept track, and didn’t stress it.
I’ve experienced when your revegging a plant the new growth will typically begin with single leafed fans as a sign it’s an actual reveg. If your stalled it could mean your in a ph lockout.