9 weeks into flower

Ive been posting every week or so about the progress of the girls. Please give me some input.


Shes foxtailing. 9 weeks in id start bumping your intensity down a touch


Thank You. I bumped the light from 82% to 62%

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Will lowering intensity help stop the foxtailing? Anything else i could/should do?


It will slow down foxtails. Now you’re just in the waiting game. Looks like approximately 3 weeks or so.


Do you have a par meter or the photone app on your phone? I would check what kinda ppfd levels they’re getting and adjust from there… dial your light down to 6-700 ppfd and be patient :joy: looking good though!

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Nice buds, you can raise the light if possible, slightly and the foxtails should stop. 62% seems low but as been said checking ppfd will get you on track

I have the lights at the top of the tent. They are 16” from the top of the plants. I got the photon app and measured par. It was between 750-800 at top of the highest plant and around 600 towards the middle at 82%. Now im getting 680 at the top and 320 ish in the middle running lights at 63%.

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