Hey auto pros. I’m at 7 weeks today on this white widow. The buds aren’t very dense at all. Seems like they should be a little tighter at this point? Maybe it needs another 5 or 6 weeks even though it says it’s an 8 week plant.
Im thinking it could be not enough light for the space . Also the nutes your giving it
The 8 week sred to harvest claims from breeders and seedbanks is best case scenario. Most I’ve seen take longer. My first one went 10, my second one was more like 14.
I don’t think light is the problem. Sun System 315 cmh. Fox farm trio nutes. I’ve grown lots of photos with no issues. I’m finding these autos a little more challenging.
Thank you. I’m going to let them go as long as possible. They’re not near done at this point, so maybe they’ll tighten up.
Autos can be finicky and most of the genetics don’t seem to be real stable yet.
You have plenty of time left. Never ever go by what the breeder states because that is in perfect, controlled settings which us home growers don’t have. Plus they have better cash floor for way better gear.
You have a ton if white pistils. I would invest $10 in a Jeweler Loupe which is how you see the trichomes.
Autos do their own thing. Just watch your trichomes. It’s the only thing to truly tell you if it’s ready for harvest or not. Pistils are a good indicator as well, but I’ve seen them reced and not really darken until it started to cure. So I look through my jewlers louie at 60× zoom to look and see if their milky. By the size, I’d guess a week to 3 at most left for you.
A lot of seed banks say 8 weeks from seed to harvest for autos, but I’ve seen people on here have them flower in 2 weeks. I’ve seen mine started her flower after 8 weeks, but I had put her through hell so I think I slowed her down some.
My Autos generally flower in 30 days but I do run 12/12 start to finish.
I’ve got one. Pretty much cloudy at this point. I’m actually a fairly accomplished grower, just never done autos before. A buddy started to many not knowing what he was doing and gifted me 4 seedlings. I won’t be wasting equipment and nutrients on autos again.
I dont like autos either. I rather enjoy being able to play God with my plants
I prefer photos, but I run autos partly so I can run perpetual without having separate veg and flower spaces.
Yea, I think if you run 12/12 the entire run it’ll make them flower faster. But if you run like 18/6 or 20/4 they just sorta take their time. Or for me they have at least.
Yeah, I’m going to be patient, but I’ve had a hard time keeping the foliage green, and the leaves aren’t looking to good. I’ve never had that problem with photos. I just started adding calmag because it looks like a mag issue, just weird that has never happened to me before.
Why 12/12 ? What does that do thx
12/12 for a photo plant will send it into flower. So for an auto, if the gene that’s supposed to be bred out isnt, it’ll make sure they flower. And saves you money on your light bill because you run your lights for less hours.
Plus it’s a sufficient balance of enough light and sleep for an auto. But if the auto acts as supposed to be bred, you can run the lights from sprout to harvest and never shut off.
Although we’re all mostly not that cruel and realise our ladies are alive and we let them get some sleep.
And we light keeping our light bills down. Lol.
So will the result be the same if you do 12/12 or do 20/4 ?
Is their any gain to running 24str8 hrs ? Thats only 4hrs diffrence a day . And only adds up to a couple extra days of grow in her life.