4x4 tent, how many plants to get the most out of my tent

How many plants do u guys recommend growing in a 4×4 tent? No scrog just going to tie down some branches

I did four on my first grow. That was too many. Three tops for me. Maybe you can get away with four or more if you have autos.

it depends what ur growing, how tall is ur tent and how long u want to veg. Id say no more than 4 but maybe 2


2 nice sized plants would be perfect.


I’d say 2-3 depending on growing style.

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if they are autos he could fit 4

I do 3 in mine, but a scrog would only need 1 plant if you wanted and still get an amazing yield. Really depends on how you want to grow.


I do 6 in my 4x4x6 grow tent


4 to 6 plants depending on strain profile: height, growth rate

If wanting to do SROG…two good plants.

some strains will bush out like a XMas tree other will be slender and others will sit squat and low.

YOU have full control of what, and how you grow.

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From seed, 16 no training. From clone, 36 sounds good lol.

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What are you growing in pic. They look very nice

They are Acapulco gold, blue dreams, jack herer, purple glam kush, sugar black rose, critical bilbo

Acapulco Gold. Damn been a long time since I’ve seen that. Your setup looks great good luck.

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I have a grow journal called 6 strains of fun on here feel free to check it out

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New here so I’m not familiar with the whole set up. How can I check out your grow journal

Click on someone’s to get to their profile. Then scroll down and you can see topics started etc…

@Psu8286 Have you grown before? And are you doing hydro or soil?

Never grown. I’ll be using soil it seems easier than hydro but I know nothing about hydro so I could be totally wrong.

In my 4 by 4 I do 5-6 plants and in my 5 by 5 I do 4 row of 2 to 3 plants now on a SOG I have done 20 plants in my 5 by 5 all 18-24" tall and just trimmed to one node or top 3 nodes

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I wouldn’t do more than 4. 2 will honestly fill it up. 2 big plants will fill that space no problem. I had to tie up the branches on the bigger plant or she would have been touching 3 of the 4 walls.

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