Tent size help plzzzzzz

I’m looking to get a new tent only plan to grow 2 -4 plants at a time and scrog 1 plant from time to time too will a 4x4x6.5 work or does it need to be bigger say 8x4x6.5 be better I’m using a 600watt mh/hps light may get another 1 if It to small for a 4x4 @raustin @anon95385719 @Johnzy81 @MattyBear


I think 4’×4’ would be too small for 4 plants.


Found my new addiction lol growing been so relaxing

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3 plant comfortably in a 4x4 - 4 would work but could end up with room issues depending on how long you veg too you can 1 plant scrog and fill the 4x4 it will just be in veg for a few months


I had 5 plants in 16 sf, it was too crowded, but did ok I think. In one of the guide I thinks a lot about 3sf per plant?
This would also depend on your method, like scrog…there many here to help


Happy growing @Newb1
Good advice here follow it and you can’t go wrong

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It really just depends on how big you want to grow each plant. If doing SOG style you could easily fit 5-6 or more plants in a 4x4. If doing scrog, you could do 1 plant or 2 plants. If just trying to fill it, 3-4 plants could work. You really need to ask yourself what kind of training you would like to do with your plants and move from there, it’s the easiest way