2 Pots 1 Plant?

Not sure where to put this or if it is even something viable.

But is it possible to take 1 plant and root her twice? I’m probably just to :fire: and thinking to much. More roots more uptake right? What if you grew a plant and bent it in two seperate 90° angles. Topping and rooting after the second, guving you two stalks for one said plant.

In soil I could see it being a problem as mainting two separate soils could be problematic. But for hydro running one res to multiple root zones.

I am in know way attempting this and it was just one of my thoughts. Would love to hear someone else’s input.

I made a drawing :smiley:


I suppose thatd be like grafting plants using another bottom instead of top I think maybe. I try to imagine it either way but I cant keep my first thought there long enough


If you fill your head with knowledge there’ll be no room for dreams.
-old spice commercial


Never thought about it but you could probably succeed at grafting a plant that has it own root system to the stalk of a fresh chopped plant effectively giving you a plant with 2 root systems …


From a practical standpoint, how would this be different in yield vs just two plants?


Not sure if it would or not? Maybe give a stronger base and easier growth if you could push enough light and CO2?

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Possibility of pheno types being different would be possible concern there maybe?

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Yes this would work. I’ve seen a few other grows that did this, but no numbers on the yield.
Mainline would work, or just a branch, you bury in the medium. Eventually it will grow roots, just as if it was a clone.
Best of luck and keep us updated. Happy growing!


Oh, I am definitely not doing this. Lol

Getting started on my firstish grow now. I was just asking to settle my brain to see if it is possible. Also, i searched for what I could on forum and didn’t see anything.


You could definitely do this. No need to graft at all. I would definitely take the rout that. @Covertgrower mentioned above in a way.

You could basically grow a taller slender plant. LST it in such a way that I’m over a period of time the main stalk is below sea level. Lol. Low enough where you could use it as a clone.

When it came time to slightly bury it you would slice the stalk alittle bit and also scrape it. Bury that section of stalk with some cloning agents. Leaving the top of the stalk above dirt. A good 8 inches. Overtime it will root out of the slice and the scrapes. But still keep the integrity of the plant.

I think I might have to draw ya a picture :slight_smile:


Yes! Pictures! And good discussions. I love learning about this plant!


My zuchs do that. But almost lays on the soil so easily done


Ok so don’t be judging me on my drawings. It’s been a long day. Lol


I love it! Did you not see my picture up top! Its hideous! Lol it just has color because its on my phone. Lol

If you snap it and have two plants wouldn’t the roots fight each other for space, if you left the snapped unattached end in?


Maybe this should be the new challenge? 2 solo cups 1 plant! Lol :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


If you broke the stalk and split it then it would act as a clone is the way of forcing our roots. Not fight each other. When there is room to grow roots actually work better together. Like little mega highways.

If you broke it and put the unattached part up than it would have to be considered a second plant because it was ‘in-attached’ from the plant it pot #1.


:joy::joy: cloning would be my suggestion :love_you_gesture:


So im not an expert on grafting but from my understanding with fruit trees it dosen’t change the fruits.
So I assume the pheno type wouldn’t change.
It should be whatever the grafted on bits was, although nothing says you couldn’t graft on another peice of a different plant, say a limb of another plant.
That limb could be different phenotype or completely different strain if you chose…

But the 2 grafted together parts don’t actually blend genetics and change anything, they just share resources…


Lol Yeah, cloning I understand. I’m just more thinking of a large base type thing, 2 roots feeding one plant giving more nutes


So you could almost set up a mainline and on one end graft another strain and have 2 seperate strains growing from one plant base?