2 Pots 1 Plant?

Infact, I assume there’s no reason you couldn’t do as many different strains as you wanted to :sweat_smile:

Have one root ball and 10 different strains growing out of it.




Im with @Covertgrower muliple root systems can be achieved on the same plant. Under normal circumstances it is alot of work training, but its definitely achievable


I do it with tomatoes and grape vines and cannabis cuttings (clones) to some extent. Lay the stems flat in the soil or bury it deeper and it will grow new roots. Plants are sturdier than otherwise. As to production ??? hard to say.


Personally I think SpongeBob looked better in his original outfit, lol.


Haha :headstone: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones:


I think the concept is a good idea,
option 1 : large jiffy’s, cut half way(wet) and slide it over a green healthy branch, wrap some plastic over the jiffy and tie it to keep the jiffy damp(check every day) in 7-10 days there should be roots and you can cut the branch off and pot it up.
option 2 : top a plant early, remove lower leaves and cover most the steams in soil, keep doing this over 2 - 3 weeks, then you can split the root mass up, if you do it right one plant can become 2 or even 6 plants.
option 3 : super crop a tall single main shoot(2-4 ft long, this could kill the plant, don’t like the odds but I am sure it could work) bury one or more of the side shoots now pointing vertical down, this would look amazing, you could have 12-20 main shoots in a line.

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I had a friend back in high school his daddy did outside grows and he would let the plant grow tall bend it over pin it to the ground and once it stood back up he would cover that spot with dirt let it grow tall and repeat the process. None of us ever got to see the grow so we just thought he was full of it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: but maybe we was wrong :person_shrugging:


:rofl::rofl::rofl: Seen the title of the post and thought well that sounds pretty cool. Then I read that line and was like yep I’ve got to read the rest of this thread :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I’m that guy at work when I can’t get you to understand something I go to drawing pictures :facepunch::sweat_smile::rofl::rofl::rofl:


No experience with cannabis, our tomatoe plants always sag bad, full of fruit. We try to get up of the ground, those branches in the mud always trying to root. This happens mid to later summer, that new root kick starts new growth on our tomatoes, the new green growth affirms that.

How that adds up for a cannabis plant, idk, please, some one do the trial and give us updates.

  We scrape a cutting to clone, as mentioned, 2 roots is very doable.
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Sounds like if it worked it might turn into a monster plant…interesting experiment…wonder if it would somehow outgrow 2 plants in the same sq. footage? I’ve got too much time on my hands…lol…Happy Growing

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