Yellowing leaves on GG4 autos from ILGM

Im having issues with one out of three GG4s turning yellow. Im in coco growing with AC Infinity self watering pots ( first time useing them). Im thinking root problems
PPM 900 useing Floramax nutes. Nextlight 650w Led at 75% 18" above canopy,on 18 hrs. VDP 1.3. PH 6.25 temp 80 day 69 night. Two out of three girls are doing ok but this one has been getting yellow for some time now. Ive reduced nutes, thinking that might help. Ive reduced my light intensity to 75%. Still no difference. These autos only have about two to three weeks left. Any thoughts on whats going on. Im going to let her go and see what the final result might be. Any ideas what to try to help her in the short time remaining?

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Welcome to the forum. I am not great with diagnosing leaf issues. It seems it may be wanting more nitrogen. I have this happen to me like yours. All will be happy with the same feed. And one pants will start looking like yours. They always make it to the end though :grin: Are you sure you only have a few weeks left. Those look like maybe week 3 at most. I would guess you still have at least 5 more weeks to go. I am in coco with autopots. So similar to you. I used the GH flora trio. But switched to Jacks. It is the same strength from seed to finish. And is pretty cost effective. And autos don’t like fed heavy as a rule. unlike photos. I would try to get in the 650ppm range. My first auto grow I ran 350 ppms for 4 autos. I finished pretty good. I will tag @Caligurl in. She is really good with stuff like this :grin:

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First, I’d be willing to bet you have more than 2 weeks left. Usually yellowing indicates a deficiency of some sort.

So I don’t do autos, nor do I do coco so I’m going to tag @Budbrother


Nor do I, but Kinda looks like a Zinc def issue starting. Often confused for N def


I was definitely thinking it was an immobile nutrient deficiency as well with it start up higher on the plant.