I use LED’s so there’s no change throughout the grow and they don’t put out a lot of heat. If you are running MH, you’ll want to switch to HPS bulb for flower. Best way to combat heat with those is getting an air cooled hood for the bulbs. One that you connect your exhaust fan to and that will reduce the heat generated.
They are a little over $200 per 135w kit. There are knock-offs that some people here are saying are working well for them. And they’re less than 1/2 the price. A real hlg 550 would set you back around $800. This knock-off is less than $300
Would a 600w HPS be enough for a 4x4? Iv’e bought more seeds and then I’ll try to plant a few of each. I’d like to upgrade to the 4x4. How many plants do you think i can fit in there?
Yep, the 600 hps will cover you for a 4x4. For how many plants, it depends on your grow style. I stick to the 2’x2’ per plant so 4 plants would be perfect.
Ok, cool. That’s what I was thinking as well. Once I get my 4x4 up I’ll set up a veg station with my ts600s. I’m leaning toward the MH/HPS 600w for the 4x4
I think your right on. Mine did that exact same thing last week and I backed off 4-6 inches. Stopped by the next day. Looks like back right is “praying” to the light. Another sign light is too close.
Yes, the light was a bit close. It was about 6" away. My hand was not hot under the light when I lowered it, but it did make them taco, so I have backed it off to about 12" away. I only used CalMag 1 time, half strength. I am only using 6.8 ph’d water at the moment. The twisted leaves…I was wondering what the deal was there. I’ll keep an eye on it.
I will be transferring the 2 largest into bigger pots today, and they’re all going in the 2x4 tent today. Just got my 600w MH/HPS light in today.
Just finished transplanting 2 Strawberry Cough and 1 Gelato. I have my new light set up in a 2x4. They’ll stay there until I can get a 4x4 closer to flower.
And it will remain. The first set of starter leaves usually die off pretty quickly anyway. You can take them now or let them die off naturally. A lot of times they hit the soil when they’re young and it burns them like that
So I topped the ladies tonight, and up potted my Strawberry Cough runt. I think I topped them right. I read it’s supposed to be after the 4th or 5th node. Do these look right as far as growth rate? Germinated on July 4th.
The plants look great. Be careful when topping. Try to leave a little of the stem above the last node. It helps keep strength there. When the branches get heavy they can split the stem at the topping site.
I gotcha, I’ll know better next time. I was trying to avoid a FIM. I can always tie up the branches, but I was also planning LST, so I’ll be careful to watch for that.