It’s what I had available. I never considered that. I can easily cover them up.
Just an update…the girls seem to be doing well. The strawberry cough had very small seeds and I was worried the plants wouldn’t make it out of the seed case. Since my Blue Dream Auto pigtailed on me, I set another in water yesterday. Prolly drop it today or tomorrow. So far just misting very lightly with water. I want those roots out hunting. Anyway, patience is a virtue.
You can just put those cups in opaque solo cups. I always start in clear cups so I can monitor root growth. But you gotta put them in opaque cups to block the light.
@Scoobysnax welcome. Happy frog will have plenty of nutes in it for a few weeks, or should at least. Also many people use clear cups and just slide them into red solo cups to protect the roots. Definitely need a exhaust fan and filter for smell and air flow. Looking good so far.
Brother plants look awfully wet to me. The above got you covered about the clear cups
Yes I had just misted before the pic. I did dab some tp on the drops on the leaves.
How long do you guys think they should stay in the small cups, and what’s the appropriate next size pot? I’ve got 1 gallon and 3 gallon pots. Any ammendments I should make before the transplant? Using happy frog now, but I’m thinking about ocean forest next.
I stay in them until the roots fill the cups. Only thing I’d add to that soil is about 20% perlite. And some mycorrhizae for the root ball and transplant hole for transplant time. If 3 gallon is your final pot size, go straight to the 3 gallon.
I second the info above
If you cant see roots, watch the leaves. Once they are reaching well over the edges of ur cup, ur close to transplant time
Alright here’s an update on the girls. Seem to be doing well at almost 3 weeks 2 seem to be growing fast. One was leaning, so I filled the cup to straighten her up. The Blue Dream Auto hasn’t sprouted after i germinated another seed last week. Just misting every few days so far. I also lowered the light a bit.
Friday update, girls are looking pretty good. One plant didn’t perk up much after watering last night. The strawberry cough on the right front seems to still be wilted a bit. The one in the back is kind of a runt. Blue Dream Autos were a bust. I put 6 of those and 6 Amnesia Haze Autos in a field by the pond. Have no clue how they’re doing. They’re just bonus crop anyway. I will be planting one Amnesia indoors soon just to have something to harvest sooner than the photos. All in all, I think they’re doing pretty good. Anything constructive helps.
Weekly update, the girls seem to be doing well. I think I’m getting close to transplant time. I’ve got a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog and Ocean Forrest ready to go, with a bag of earthworm castings and some perlite. I have to pace myself because I’m starting to get antsy. This is the farthest I’ve ever gotten plants to grow.
Also, if anyone is running HPS lights, what is the actual heat output on those. I feel like I will need to upgrade, but can’t sink $1500 into a quality LED rack.
Also, the one girl up front is having some discoloration on the first leaves. Is that a deficiency of some sort? Only using CalMag half strength for a few days.
You shouldn’t need cal mag in that soil at this stage. Calmag has nitrogen in it that your plants don’t need right now.
I see. Welp, guess I jumped the gun on that one. I’ll switch back to water. How much longer would you wait to transplant?
I wait until the roots nearly fill the cup. Luckily you have them in clear cups so you can monitor that.
I gotcha. Hey what kind of lights have you got, if you don’t mind me asking?
Each one of my plants gets a qb135w kit.
Hey @BobbyDigital, do you have to do anything special to dissipate the heat, or does proper ventilation pretty much take care of it? And do you switch bulbs when you start flower or just let it ride. I’ve heard MH is not the best for flower but great for veg. Sorry about all the questions man, just trying to figure out my next move.