Wondering when to flip (3x3x6 tent)

Been vegging now since March 9th. **How much bigger should I let them get before flipping?**My HST has definitely slowed things down, but since I’ve backed off they’re really taking off.


Veg as long as you want. The only real issue might be space. Keep in mind that a plant can increase 50 to 100% in size during the 1st 4 to 5 weeks of flowering.


Thank you, that’s my only concern. They are 2 Sour D’s, 1 Bubble Gum, and 1 Amnesia Haze, I’m just not sure how much more to let them grow. Still new at this so I guess this is one of those things that I’m going to have to learn with experience.


@Ravenharmoni is that a 4x4 tent? You should have no problem with four plants.

The height might be a problem, but the canopy looks pretty low… So you may be good.

What light are you using? With your light at max height… You can check the manufacturers height above canopy… That’ll give you an idea of how much space height wise you have.

I always end up a bit too close to the lights… I just use bamboo stakes and tie them down a bit… Without too much bend as the stems get hard in flower.

Looking good!

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One plant (in this 4x4 tent)

April Seedling from bag seeds.
Pulled 17 Male “single-nanners” after two lighting screw-ups.
I want to see how long I can flower this “structure”, with summer fast approaching (somewhere, not here).

Staked out 8/2023 (green stakes)

2023 growing light 25 inches (heat issues-800 watts, china cheapies)
2024 HLG lights, 15 inches no heat issues- 500watts is Too much


height in title :blush:…3x3x6

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Thank you so much. Your operation looks amazing. I can’t wait for reform so we all can start meeting openly and showing off our babies and exchanging ideas.

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I just expanded this photo and really looked at the detail and hard work. You can tell ur ladies are loved. Great idea with the bamboo, and the “McGiver” bucket. I’m borrowing these ideas :grin: Thnx

I use a 3x3 for a variety of things. 20gal singles. 4 auto. Clones. Seedlings etc. You are close to outgrowing that tent. As @MidwestGuy mentioned they will get much bigger fast. You did an lst instead of straight up. They will fill out and tighten you up if veg much longer. Just my thoughts.


Thank you

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