We have a 6 week old Kush and am wondering if we should start flowering or if we should keep it in Veg stage? We topped it and LST has been started. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
If photo I would veg it more. If an auto gonna do what it wants so a moot point.
Very nice , personally, I would want a little bigger plant Before flipping to flowering stage. Take into consideration plant will double in size after flip.
it is photo. this is our first real grow and trying to figure it all out.
How much height do you want?
Taller for less than half available height = Veg
Then flip, start your stretch and flower.
Or go for flip now. I run 12/12 to avoid heat.
and they still grow.
How close can you get to lights w/out burn? top of tent?
Longer, would be my choice.
Tent occupants?
I favor one and put clone in corners, down low (unfavored, but growing).
4x4x6ft or 80"?
Lights? need space lower than top tent.
Then distance required between lights and crown top.
Leaves space minus planter = remaining height you have to play/grow.
Training changes everything.
Good growing to you.
My thread for my year is available, happy reading.
thoughts on how much longer? its by itself in a 4x4x6 tent so it has plenty of room
One plant 4x4 space i would go at least two more weeks.
we are using a tatu 1000w grow light. it is about 29" from the canopy and still have 30" to be able to raise it.
thanks so much for the help
Yes and I would consider re-planting into 5-7gallon cloth bag.
Ditch the plastic. Use FFor good grow soil adding to existing root ball.
If up potted, at least a month or longer before flip.
I’m with @DEEPDIVERDAVE repot up to a 7 gallon fabric pot Continue to spread the limbs out an try to fill the 4x4 space up This would be a 7 gallon fabric pot indoor grow.
that is a beautiful plant. i do have 5gl fabric bags and FFOF soil. is yours topped and LST (i guess my question is … how did you get so many colas?). And i think i will take your suggestion and repot and continue to grow.
Five gallon pot will be fine, Ocean forest soil great product.topped one time Side branches will catch up to make a nice even canopy.
my tent dweller 5 gal bag (brought indoors from june july outside, dirt added for new residence inside tote… Yes my re-veged Queen.
sorry for the stupid questions but …what is revegging?
If this is the same light on amazon, then it is technically only a 100w light. I’m just trying to look out, as this is a thing retailers do to upsell their to upsell their lights
Last year I didn’t know what this was, either.
Now I am and accomplished “RE-VEGER”
RE-Veging a continous grow garden
My thread document my learning journey.
RE-Veging a continous grow garden - Grow Cycle / Flowering - I Love Growing Marijuana Forum
LSS, mature plants got harvested (stripped of usable bud, some leaves left remaining).
Two months during “re-start” of plant growth cycle, in same planter and re-start another generation of plant.
Cloning and re-veging are methods of growing available for utilizing and growing desired strains or desired plants.
@Bracketh is correct, your light is good for seedlings and starting, but for real flowers, you need more better lighting. Tires on car, important for wheels going round and round.
At 150mph GOOD tires are desirable and important, just like lighting. I doubled my grow with half the electricity just by upgrading from China cheapies to HLG 350/260/UVA30.
Better product (lights and weed cola’s), less heat generated, better coverage. all important, now that you have cracked the germination-seedling code.
Lots of learning available from forum search tool.
Good Growing to you.