All 4 northern lights auto started at the same time. Same method to start seeds and same soil. One is twice as tall as the others. Anyone know why this might be happening? I will be transferring them to their permanent home this weekend.
Each seed is an individual just like people. Siblings look different and are different heights.
Merlin has you covered. The only way to have identical plants is to grow clones, and even then they might grow at differing rates.
Suggestion: time to transplant the ladies. Growth will slow if they get too rootbound.
Welcome to the forum.
Thank you for the quick replies. Transplanting tomorrow.
What others said, and I’ve never used clears cups, but have read it’s a bad thing if the roots get light. I think if people use clear, they slide them in a colored cup. Just FYI, for the future. Also, how long have those been in the cups? Just measuring up to my 11 day old.
An additional issue with this is that light will encourage algae growth if a clear container is used.
Been in cups about 3 weeks.