First time, Auto Northern light, saw the sprout placed at its pots, no sign of sapling it's been one a half day


Is it normal, how much time do auto take to lift up from the soil.

I will follow all tips and suggestions given.

New auto grower.

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It can take a few days to break ground. Also when you post pics you have to wait for them to download completely before posting. It can take a minute to do its thing.

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How deep did you plant the germinated seed? I mostly grow autos and only go 1/2 maybe with sprout turned down. It can take 2-3 days. Spritz with water. If you have grown photos its the same time for seedling. I’m assuming your a beginner. I don’t know your skill level so I may be telling you stuff that you know

Yeah it typically takes a few days… sometimes upwards of a week…
Give it some time


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I am new to growing myself
Actually never fully my own girls till now. But I came across some info that could help you maybe. When you germinate take the seeds and a a shot glass, fill with water and throw the seeds you want to germinate and toss in. The seeds will float but could sink. Put the shot glass in a dark closet for 24 to 48 hours . Go back and check on seeds at 48 hours . They will be cracked, and floating with about an inch tail. That’s the quickest and surely way to get your seeds started.It took me 5 unknowing long days before I knew I had a little girl. Anyway then plant . It was on you tube. Search germinate seeds

Guys seedlings day two, finally.


The girl look’s fine. Shs has completed day two.


And some lovely seedlings they are too @Skaram1995 .
@Esrhermarie123 I wouldn’t soak my seeds that long. You can deprive the reticle of air and slow early growth. 8-12 hour soak is plenty to soften up the seed and get the ball rolling. They will be happier if they crack open in a moist airy environment like moist soil or a damp paper towel. More than 24 hours may or may not hurt, but it’s unlikely that it does anything that a damp paper towel or properly moistened soil won’t do better. Just a friendly tip from someone who has damaged a lot of seedlings with excess water over the years.


Is this normal, why those two leaves is rising.

Electric was out, I took her out for 5,6 hours in the sunlight.

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Day 17

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