White widow potassium deficiency or what?

Is this a potassium deficiency or what’s wrong with my girl:( giving ro water with calmag as buffer to ppm of 150 to 200 ph to 6.8 because my runoff last week was low (5.5) that brought it to runoff of 6.0 and every other week I add silica (yes I add it first) it’s growing in fox farm happy frog and fox farm ocean forest (2 to 1) ratio and I’m using the fox farm trio nutrient line could this be from overwatering I gave it about 1.2 gal of water last week and it’s due for a light feeding in my book but I don’t want to mess it up as it’s my first grow anyways any info would help … the leafs feel like there leathery and dry and have slight chlorosis in the veins my humidity stays set at 60 and temp and 76 with inkbird and I have vents and fan so idk what I am doing wrong I feel like it’s my ro water like I’m not getting something calcium, magnesium, potassium, I have no clue I give it calmag with every watering


Input water for soil is 6.2-6.8 pH. If your runoff is below 6.0 here lies your problem. 6.5 is the sweet spot.


I agree with @PhatPat, and it may be causing nute lockout as your plant appears to have a magnesium deficiency.


I also agree with @PhatPat
Low ph van cause micronutrients to be overly avaliable causeing a micro toxicity which presents as little necrotic spots.
At 6.0ph basically micronutrients and nitrogen is all that’s available.
Heres a great video to help make sense of what I’m try to say.

Don’t be scared to go in at 7ph or even higher to force it up long enough fir the plant to uptake what it needs, its not a permanent fix but it can help quickly turn things around.


Do you suggest I water in with 7.0 ph , what ppm should I bring ro water to with calmag ?

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It certainly would not hurt to and I usely shoot for around 100ppm if im just trying het enough tds to get a good ph reading.

If you was say close to the end you could ride it out going in high probably. But a more long term solution is really needed like some kinda lime scratch into the top and watered in.

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Does the lime scratch raise my ph at root zone it’s coming out at 5.4 and I’m worried about it being to acidic

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I watered in at 7.3 and it came out 5.4 bruh…… what the f$&@

Time to flush the old nutes out


It could take up to 3 times your pot volume of water run thru to get it in the happy zone.

A single watering won’t move it much if at all as you’ve seen with the 5.4 runoff.

Here’s a link to how to flush with your soils and nutes.


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I was going to say


Its an absolute mess when ph tanks so bad :sweat:
I’d abput rather deal with any but this .
Honestly I’ve never been able to successfully fix it the few times i experienced it.
I used baking soda to limp one plant along and it did start takeing up nutrients again but never fully recovered.
From what i read lime is best but I’ve no idea how fast it works.
But realistically any alkaline substance should work if you can just get it distributed throughout the root zone.

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I bought dolomite lime powdered version and I’ve been waiting for my plants to dry out from a last flush to top dress in water and I’m reading it takes about two weeks for the lime to really start working but I think if I just keep the plants in veg and baby them until the pH goes up. They should be fine. Who knows

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What’s the bag show as far as calcium to magnesium?
Usually dolomite is heavy on magnesium.
as a decent ratio is somewhere around 4:1 or so ie 4 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium I believe.
Am I thinking correctly @Budbrother on the ratios?

This is another product that I use to help raise soil PH and its solution grade.



Wanted to pass on info from Budbrother that he shared with me regarding raising your soil PH and calcium to magnesium ratios

When I used Dolomite lime (prilled) I added some additional oyster shel to get close to the recommended ratio….
I was incorrect in previous post per Bud should be 6:1 not 4:1 and he said he shoots for 7:1

Ca96 is calcitic limestone and not dolomitic limestone. Both contain calcium carbonate, but only dolomite has the Mg. The calcitic, calcium carbonate is quicker at raising the pH.

Also 6:1 Ca:Mg is proper use
I tend to run @ 7:1

Hope this helps


This is what I’m gona use

Based on the 22% calcium 12% magnesium you’ll want to also add more calcium from another source like oyster shell powder or maybe ground up powdered egg shells or crab meal.
That ratio is about 2:1 and best ration is 6:1 so you want to balance that better.

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I was just going to top dress with about 2 tablespoons per plant wouldn’t the oyster shell flower take too long to activate So do you think I’ll have problems if I just use the dolomite lime I’m using a two to one mix of froggy soil to Ocean Forest

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There’s a difference between ground up oyster shell and oyster shell flour. Oyster shell flower is soluble, fossilized oysters. Check out DTE oyster flour box.