White widow auto#2

What you all think starting to turn purple? Wwa

@Hytech72 do you have a pic you can post?
My last indoor grow was white widow photos and one of them turned purple. Was an awesome looking plant.

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If you have low temps this can happen lot of people will drop temperatures to manipulate colors

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Whats the lifecycle for autos hogmaster shes 80 days old from seed…

You’re getting close. Refer to trich colors to choose harvest time. Majority milky with some amber is where most people take them. I don’t see a ton of white pistils, perhaps some close ups would be better.


Real frosty white


I posted new pic

Looks about done to me, have you looked at trichomes with jeweler loup?

Any amber ones?

I see some amber, lots of white milky balls too almost see without loupe,

So the purple is normal? My grow room never goes below 68F. Im still getting purpling. Im not trying to manipulate color just coincidence i guess. Will they be ok?

My WW is turning purple too:

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I’m growing at 60 for highs and 35-40s for lows getting beautiful colors had it happen at 80 out side too

my blue cheese :cheese:

Help??? I started my white widow plant and I question myself if is normal my stem is red ???
If you have any tips for the nutrient ? Let me know ! 20190512_090157

@Weed12 pictures and detailed information will help us help you.


Also, starting your own thread is recommended, so you have all your questions anwsered in one place.

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I started my plant in the little storage box and after 2 days my plant looks green but soft with a red stem. 60339791_336779297035777_3443742367486574592_n 60382421_1119566554916236_7919769954084192256_n 60339791_336779297035777_3443742367486574592_n
I became scare to loose one because it was soft then I brought my plant outside the temperature is around 20 to 25 °C plus I feed twice a day with water in spray without nutrient. My soil is from Walmart then I pretty sure isn’t the best but if you know the brand better or compost so we can buy in the shop not online.
I will change my soil when transplanting happen to a bigger container and with better soil.

This is my plant outside after 2 days from the seeding.
it still soft and I need help with nutrient I should give it and any tips for outdoor grow for a white widow?
Someone told me this soil + perite is good Screenshot_20190512-160950_Chrome
im beginner :slight_smile:

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Color is fine, no more nutrients until round baby leaves are shriveled and drop off. 2- your soil looks too wet, misting once a day is ok, let your soil dry out a bit. Your grow medium has slow release fertilizer, don’t feed or you can cause nute lockout.

Check out my journals, I grow White Widow Autos outdoors.

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thanks men !

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Try miracle gro organics it’s their new formula they have all purpose container mix or all purpose soil for in ground use it’s awesome I’m on a budget when it comes to growing and it has been my go to not only for cannabis but everything I grow like my flowers and veggies

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