Which Butter Machine is Best?

I’m contemplating the purchase of a butter machine and see several types, brands, etc. on Amazon.

Anyone have a recommendation?

Also, do you need to decarb before putting the material in the machine?

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Yes you need to decarb before infusing.
Try an Ardent Nova or FX as it does it all, first cycle decarbs then you add butter or oil and run it a second time to infuse.

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Ok, I’ve checked it out and looks good, though the 350 price is crazy.

Anyone have a LEVO? Would like to hear opinions, comparison. At 250, and adjustable settings, seems it may be a better buy than Ardent.

I use one of these…69 dollars on amazon
I believe @blackthumbbetty does too

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@Spiney_norman reeeeaaally! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Would you mind sharing your process/settings for decarb, and infusion?

Here is one link about it.

My personal process is to grind 14 gms of buds and put in a mason jar with 1 cup coconut oil.
Coconut oil melts at 75 degrees so a few seconds in the microwave and its easy to measure.
Put it in the instant pot with three cups of water, there is a wire rack to keep the jars off the bottom.
Put the lids on until they just stop…do not tighten
Pressure cook for 1 hr. We do it in the evening and let it stay warm overnight.
The cooker runs at around 240 degrees which is fine for decarbing.
Some will bake it in the oven a bit before decarbing in the cooker. We never do.
Strain the oil and use the oil in whatever recipe you like. We make cookies.
The wife eats 4 or 5 to help her sleep.
I eat 1/3 of one and im good. Im a lightweight…Lol

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I’ll be trying this very soon, many thanks!

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And it cooks food great too. Love cooking rice and beans in it.

Here’s how I do QWET and Infusions.


@blackthumbbetty ohh, where is your YT channel? Such good stuff!

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