List of butter machines used by members

Hello all I was curious to see what machine yall use to make your butter, oils, tinctures, etc.
From reading around a lot of people use the magic butter machine or the Levo II. As those are a little out of my price range currently I wanted to find other reasonable products and lets share what we like and dislike about them all.

I just ordered an ECRU decarb and butter/oil infuser. I will let you know how it goes

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I had a buddy that used to make butter. All he did was get his decarbed weed, put it in a big tall pot with a pound of butter and simmer away for a while, then add a bunch of water and boil it. When it was done, he’d put it outside, covered, and the spent weed sinks to the bottom, the butter floats on the water and solidifies. Then he just lifted the plug of butter off. Rest would get flushed down the toilet!

Lot cheaper than buying a machine!

Disclaimer: I haven’t made any concentrates or butters…yet!


Magical Butter machine has worked well for me(borrowed).Easy.But I have done it with a crock pot(a little messy)but I saw no difference.1/4oz of trim per pound of butter/coconut oil.Decarb in oven then cook in crockpot with butter/coconut oil 4hrs on low strain thru double layers of cheesecloth.put in glass jar then fridgerate.note it will mold after a that being said use it up.I never froze it.
I just make brownies or cookies.with brownies use cold coffee instead of bring the chocolate taste out.


Levo 2 here.

So I use a Nesco/oyster. I use 6 pounds of butter and 5 oz of trim. set it to 200 degrees and let it go for 8 to 10 hours. stir it every once in a while. comes out great. end up with 4.5 pounds of butter each time.

Here’s the one I have. It’s an Ecru. It can cook larger batches than can the LEVO and it cost $100. It decarbs and infuses oil or butter. I typically decarb 1/4 - 1/2 oz to make capsules.

It shows $129, but they give a $30 coupon.

I use an Ardent FX for decarboxylation and infusion into oils and butters…can even make brownies and cookies in it. Can’t remember the price but it is idiot proof…kinda like an Easy Bake Oven for adults


I use the levo2. Works great. You dont need the power pods. I used a replacement screen for my french coffee press for steeping your own coffee and put that in the bottom and the magnetic stir stick over the top and fill it up with some lightly ground bud. Did this last harvest with 3 plants worth and made some seriously potent butter and oil. The machine is super easy to use but im not gonna lie it was a bit expensive


InstaPot :metal:


@JaneQP was it you I learned this from? My bookmarks are crazy and I couldn’t find the OG thread. Super simple and works great :metal:

@Newt posted it in my grow journal. I haven’t tried it yet but now that I have time…

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I use the Adrent FX. But it is really just a heated tube, with a timer. Nothing really special, just accurate.


Catching up on threads I ran outta :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
So 2 for y’all needed :point_up:


Maybe you can help. I also have an ecru. When using the THC program, the resulting product feels moist. It was far more crispy when I used to oven-decarb. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks.

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I use a Magical Butter machine and it works great.I also use it to make tinctures and lotions, bath bombs etc.

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I read about that and Ardent says it doesn’t mater as the decarb is not concerned with moisture but converting thca to thc only, dosen’t even mater if dried of not.

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My Ardent FX is supposed to be here tomorrow.


I use the Levo machine for my infusions. and making butter. It also decarbs. your weed if you need too. happy infusing to all :bat: :rofl: :vulcan_salute:


Yo I didn’t even think of bathbombs!! Can you shoot me a recipe? Does the infused THC help with muscle relaxation?