To my untrained eye, my seedlings look healthy and appear to be off to a strong start. At what point should they be transferred to larger pots? They’re in FF Ocean Forest. The strains are White Widow (2) and Gold Leaf Feminized (2).
Looks like you’re safe now. I transplant at day 14 above ground or a few days after
@OGIncognito Thank you, my friend! The input is much appreciated!
Anytime Grow Bro, their looking super healthy and off to a great start
@OGIncognito I’m a total noob, so I was nervous about making a mistake.
I transplant as soon as i get my first set of true leaves
If you’re transplanting to outdoors, how old or big do you like the plant to be?
@NedBogan Thank you for the reply! I’m going indoor in a 3’ x 3’ x 6’ tent.
@ChittyChittyBangin Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to impart your wisdom! I’ve been following your journal closely and have learned much from your sharing.
@Blaze_Up_Ahab anytime brother. Welcome to the neverending adventure!
I personally wait until the leaves are at least as wide as the cup. That’s my rule of thumb. Usually have a good root system at that point.
@ChittyChittyBangin Thank you!
Thank you, @Dexterado !!!
Okay, I believe my transplant was successful. Now I’m wondering about how high to hang my light and how bright to set it.
Any and all wisdom appreciated.
Thank you!