When to transplant seedlings to 5gal pots

Hey guys when do you think I should transplant my girls? They’re in peat pots right now and today marks 14 days. I was thinking another week? They seem a bit small atm? Secondary fan leaves are starting to peek out.

When the need water every day, its time.

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What he said. :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:.

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Woo Hoo! This little gal sprouted in the last 12 hours. She is in a moist rapid rooter and will go into DWC Hydro. Trying to gauge when that should be? When I see a root pop out of the RR?

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Yep that would be good, place the RR in the netpot in your stones, or whatever you are using, and simply keep it moist. Fill the bucket to about an inch below the net pot with half strength solution and turn on the bubbler. Does the bubbles keep the underside of the net pot moist with spatter? If not, no worries you will water periodically with straight water from the top anyways. Eventually the root will extend into you oxygenated solution, let it drink up and slowly lower the solution level with the root always in it. The level should be around 2/3 the space between the net pot underside and the bottom of the bucket. That gives ample space for the air roots and lots of solution.

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Thank you @Cannabian! Perfect advice.

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Even in a 5 gal grow bucket? So only 3.3-3.5 gallons? I kept mine bubbling op to the net pot on my first grow.

Yes especially in a 5 gallon pail! The air root is super important. Make sure once tgenplant is established, to swap out solution ever week. You can install a sight tube with a rubber grommet and a 90 degree plastic barbed fitting, attach a clear chunk of tubing to it. Stand the tubing upright and secure it to the bucket. Mark the full line on the bucket next to the sight glass for reference. You can rotate the tube downward to drain the bucket. Super easy and effective… and cheap!

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Thanks @Cannabian . Thankfully, my rig came with a sight tube, so I’m good there. Little girl is snug in her clay pebbles right now and nice and moist. May be getting a little warm in the tent at 78 degrees, but it will cool off during the night.

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@Eyes_of_the_World Dead Head?

@Deal You got it!

@Cannabian, I put my girl in her Rapid Rooter in the rig on Friday, as you suggested. Right now, the water level is just below the net pot and the girl has her first two real leaves. I figure her tap root is probably growing about 1/8" (.25 cm) per day. At that rate, the root will be firmly below the net pot in about 10 days. It is a little warm in my tent - 76F and with strong lights and air circulating, the top of the RR seems pretty dry after about 8 hours.

Should I resist the urge to water (I have just been giving a couple of squirts from a sprayer) more than once a day? Or aim to keep the RR from getting completely dry?

no! Try not to spray the leaves! I would get a small syringe and gently squirt the stones around the plant, we want to keep the root moist until it emerges into the solution. Which I hope is 1/4 strength! Once that root hits the solution it will put some length on in a hurry! Your bubbler/s should be splashing gently the underside of the net pot. If so the stones should be moist down at the bottom? Even still, every few hours I give a little squirt with some water.
Normally, I let my seedling grow a long tap root before I net pot it. Typically, I have a root already dangling into the solution, and each day I drain some out as it grows more root always keepin a couple inches in the solution. It doesnt take long.

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This morning, Brigitte (that’s her name) has two tails hanging about 2 inches below the net pot. They grow up so fast.